I have moved Phase 1 of my OS7 Library to public access. (Phase 2 for my Early Access Patrons will be launching this week I just need to clean up a few things and put some demos and explanations together.)
I recommend using OS7.11 or later with the library, there were some updates to my prop to work with the new features.
See here: ProffieOS 7.11
There are too many updates to list and I don’t have documentation on everything yet so any questions or bugs should be added to this thread. Be sure to watch the videos at the top to start to understand some of the new capabilities and be sure to read any prompts the library provides as there is a lot of changes for OS7.
In addition, the comment section of the style code includes a lot of very important information regarding the style you generate. This content should remain with your style code at all times, it is necessary for using the styles, editing, updating and troubleshooting any issues. All of the text at the top of the style between /* and */ is ignored by the compiler so it has zero impact on the FLASH memory used.
/* copyright Fett263 JediSurvivor (Primary Blade) OS7 Style
OS7.8 v1.015
Single Style
Base Style: Cal Kestis Survivor Blue
Base Color: Kyber Select - BaseColorArg - AltColorArg - AltColor2Arg - AltColor3Arg - Rgb<255,0,255> - Rgb<255,68,0> - Rgb<115,15,240> - Rgb<100,100,150> - Rgb<180,130,0> (0)
Kyber Select Interactive Control: While Blade is On, use selected Special Ability to change color (Phase). Requires Alt Font.
NOTE:This style includes Control Layer. Only one Control Layer should be used per preset.
*This style REQUIRES Alt Fonts alt000/ to alt008/ to be set up. Uses altchng.wav on change.
See https://pod.hubbe.net/sound/alt_sounds.html for more information.
--Effects Included--
Ignition Effect: Standard Ignition [Color: IgnitionColorArg]
Retraction Effect: Standard Retraction [Color: RetractionColorArg]
Lockup Effect: Intensity Lockup V1, Begin Effect: Real Clash, End Effect: Full Blade Absorb [Color: LockupColorArg]
LightningBlock Effect: Responsive Lightning Block [Color: LBColorArg]
Drag Effect: Intensity Sparking Drag [Color: DragColorArg]
Melt Effect: Intensity Melt [Color: StabColorArg]
Blast Effect: Blast Wave (Random) [Color: BlastColorArg]
Clash Effect: Real Clash V1 [Color: ClashColorArg]
Special Ability 1: Next Phase
Special Ability 2: Previous Phase
Special Ability 3: Select Random Phase
Special Ability 4: Toggle Swing Change (Random / Party Mode) Uses tr.wav #0 on toggle
For OS7, in particular, the style code now handles certain controls and sounds so this information will be very important when trying to set up and use the style code on your saber.
There’s also so many new features in OS7 that I recommend using the Config Helper Tool as it is specifically designed to help ALL users get the most out of OS7. Be sure to watch the videos and read through everything as this tool will help you enable/disable features and controls, set up presets and optimize your config. It will also generate custom Button/Control lists, Style Option documentation and Supported Sounds lists specific to your saber based on the selections you’ve made.
Additional info here:
Phase 1 Additions:
- All new Color support - select Color Arguments or use fixed colors for all effects, this will allow you to customize not only the style but what and how you edit.
- All new Multi-Phase and Multi-Color support - easily build Multi-Phase or Mult-Color (up to 10) styles with a wide range of control options. You can also assign effects to a specific Phase / Color.
- Special Abilities - one of the biggest additions to OS7 is the new “Special Ability” control options. When combined with my prop and Special Ability style will allow for each style to have up to 8 unique features and controls, opening nearly unlimited potential for how you use and interact with your saber. Each preset can implement it’s own special controls and features giving completely new experiences specific to that preset. Specical Abilities introduce many new concepts, Phase 1 includes a handful there are many more planned for future phases.
- Alt Font support - where applicable, the library will automatically generate the necessary controls for Alt Fonts to run. If your font is set up to support Alt Font the style will run automatically per your selections, if your font does not contain Alt Font then it is simply not used. Alt Fonts require a specific set up of the font, more information here: ProffieOS Documentation: Alt Sounds
- Style Recipes - this is a brand new concept, a Style recipe will allow you to easily generate a pre-built style for a specific font (the first two are in support of KyberPhonics new Survivor Bundle with Party Mode) or character. The Recipe will load the basic structure of the style while still allowing you to customize, add, change or remove features. As I’m able to coordinate with more Font makers I will slowly build out more recipes in upcoming updates and Phases. The reason for Recipes is to help font makers offer unique styles, while also keeping them editable and forward compatible. One of the bigger issues I have encountered is as font makers started to include style code in the font, they became more and more outdated and harder for users to update to the latest OS. The Recipe concept allows a font maker to offer a special style while keeping it in the library’s scripts to easily edit and update through future OS versions. The other issue is older OS versions typically waste a lot of memory, so older style code ends up making it harder to add more styles. The library will always optimize the style code to the latest syntax and features to minimize wasted memory.
- Many new styles and effects have been added, including fully optimized and editable versions of Greyscale’s styles,new styles based on the Jedi Survivor video game as well as the Visual Volume Menu effect option.
- There’s lots of other changes and additions, so be sure to explore and test everything out.