ProffieOS v7.x feature requests

So I know we have a track player now available with the fett263 prop file.
However, I had an idea that seems relatively simple enough to implement in the base OS maybe.
How about if the track argument in a blade style was also able to take a path that terminates at the parent directory of multiple tracks? Have it play one randomly, no different than finding a subfolder of blst files and choosing one.
So like, “ESB/tracks/” would be valid.

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Interesting idea.
I’ve been toying with the idea of using an Effect for tracks, but only if the track string is "".

With the recent adaptation of having tracks more spread out in font/tracks/, the path might work well.

is there a way to join a button to a switch so the button flashes with or on button commands?

No, but wouldn’t be all that difficult to do.

I had an interesting idea:
How about putting an (optional) default argument string between the parenthesis in StylePtr, like:


This would mean that you could use the same style multiple times, but with different colors and arguments to make it behave differently, and even if your SD card got corrupted, you would still have your default settings.


I like this idea, so it would be the default color unless changed via edit mode/presets.ini? Only con I can think of is the extra memory the colors/args would take up that edit mode would normally save you in that situation, but that’s where the “optional” comes in :slight_smile: I can definitely see myself using this.

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Another idea I had, currently preon effects get skipped if there is a preon.wav, can we do the same with pstoffs? Right now the pstoff effect plays regardless of the existence of a pstoff.wav. I also think it would be beneficial to have an EFFECT_POSTOFF transition, I think the only way to get a pstoff effect currently is to use a retraction transition. If that’s not possible then maybe if there is no pstoff.wav we skip retraction effects that reference EFFECT_POSTOFF?

It should be entirely possible to have an EFFECT_POSTOFF transition already.
Why wouldn’t it be?

One caveat I guess: The POSTOFF layer has to go after the in/out layer, or it will be extinguished by the out layer.

That was kinda my thinking as well, but I haven’t gotten it to work in the style editor yet. I only tried a few different things so I’ll mess around with it more or upload to my saber

That might be a bug in the style editor.
Not sure if it generates postoff events…

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Bit of a minor random one, but I would like to be able to define my own colours in the main config file, in the same way you can do with LED structs.

Something along the lines of:

typedef Rgb<0, 186, 240> MyBlue;

It would also be good for bluetooth modules powered from LED pads to be able to define simply ON and OFF as a colour:

typedef Rgb<255, 255, 255> ON;
typedef Rgb<0, 0, 0> OFF;

That way you could use a more logical bladestyle, and also switch the Bluetooth off on certain presets:

//  Bluetooth

//  Bluetooth

I know you can do most of this in the colors file - and in the case of the ON / OFF options, it would be easy to add those to the standard OS colors file going forwards. But for custom colours, the ability to add them to your config would nice as it would mean you don’t have to remember to edit that colors file between OS upgrades.

Just an idea.

Just do

using MyBlue = Rgb<0,186,240>

Then in your style it’s just


I have more information on using here

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Oh wow! So it’s already done! :open_mouth:
Thanks Fernando! Sorry for having missed this feature in all the 6.x literature. But it is exactly what I need!
Fantastic work as always!
Thanks again!
:ok_hand: :pray: :+1:

“using” is part of C++, it’s not specific to OS6.

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Now that I’ve spent some time with arguments, I would very much appreciate more of them for colors. I find that I use BASE_COLOR_ARG and ALT_COLOR_ARG and have many use cases for an ALT2_COLOR_ARG and so on.

Submit a PR. :slight_smile:

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Doing my research on how to properly add a Pull Request, as it will be my first. Do I make an attempt at the code itself, or just add my request for this feature to the github repository?

Update: down the rabbit hole. Learning how to do more than download and read on github.

Bringing this idea in here after the off-topic with @NoSloppy in the other thread.

For me with fonts, etc I like them to be either in-canon or in-universe, even if it’s a non-canon take. Anyone who’s played SWTOR along with it’s derivatives may love this.

Can we please get 2 new English voice pack versions that are mechanical or robotic?
*Others may want similar for their native language.

A male version that hints at Proxy and a female version that hints at Scorpio. Come on fellow gamers and fans, tell me that those two voice types wouldn’t be awesome add-ins. To me it’s a finishing touch idea and makes it less like a human voice coming from the saber and more like what my head-canon thinks and sees being definitely possible in the world of Star Wars. Less drive-thru “Here’s your meal order sir.” and more “Oh this is definitely possible that a lightsaber has a computer voice for prompt and button interactions.”


example if you’ve not played the games (and should go play them!):

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