NOTE: I’ll be updating this reply as more of the pieces are finalized and merged to keep everything in one place.
EDIT: To keep discussions grouped together I’ve broken out larger features to their own topics links are below
Fredrik and I have been working on a lot of new capabilities for fonts, styles and controls. The new features, effects, styles and functions along with updates coming to my prop will make all of these parts now possible in OS7.
[As I have time I’ll expand on these explanations]
-------------------------------- ALT FONTS -------------------------------------------------
The “Alt Font” capability will allow style code to change the font sounds being used by setting up altNNN" folders within the font.
Questions/Discussion thread here: ProffieOS7.x "Alt Font" pre-alpha discussion
-------------------------------- TRANSITION SOUNDS --------------------------------
“Transition Sounds” allow sound effects to be added to transition animations at specific points in a TrConcat to keep visual and audio effects in synch.
Questions / discussion here: ProffieOS7.x "Transition Sounds" pre-alpha discussion
-------------------------------- RANDOMIZATION OF SELECTED SOUNDS ---------------------------------
This allows for the randomization of selected sounds. This can be used for any effect but is especially important for Transition Sounds above.
Questions / discussion here: ProffieOS7.x "Randomization of Selected Sounds" pre-alpha discussion
-------------------------------- SECONDARY IGNITION/RETRACTION for Dual Bladed or Staff Sabers running on one board -----------------------
These effects will require my prop and new style code to enable Dual blades or Staff sabers to have individually controlled/triggered ignitions and retractions.
Questions / discussion here: ProffieOS7.x "Secondary Blade Effects for Staff/Dual Blade Saber" pre-alpha discussion
-------------------------------- “CONDITIONAL” Effects ----------------------------------
These are used for “Conditional” effects within style code, they allow for us to set up specific conditions in which an effect is triggered; i.e. BladeAngle<>, SwingSpeed<>, etc. This is especially helpful for Staff or Dual bladed sabers running on a single board but can also be applied to multiple other uses.
Questions / discussion here: ProffieOS7.x "Conditional Effects" pre-alpha discussion
-------------------------------- ACCELERATING / DECELERATING TRANSITIONS (BEND TIME) ----------------------
This is the accelerating/decelerating transition effects capability.
Questions / Discussion here: ProffieOS7.x "Accelerating / Decelerating Transitions (BEND TIME)" pre-alpha discussion
-------------------------------- MINI GAMES ----------------------------------
These effects are primarily intended for use in “mini game” styles or more advanced interactive styles, like Interactive Blast. On their own they won’t actually trigger anything, when used in combination with my prop and styles using they can be put together to allow for mapping the branches in a mini-game (more to come).
Questions / Discussion here: ProffieOS7.x "Mini Games & Advanced Interactive Styles" pre-alpha discussion
-------------------------------- AUDIO_CLASH_SUPPRESSION_LEVEL ----------------------------------
Allows you to adjust clash detection to account for loud fonts, speaker etc. As audio increases the clash required to trigger increases as well. This may be helpful for sabers that experience a lot of false clashes from sounds like ignition, quotes, swings, etc.
Defaults to 10, if you wish not account for sound set to 1.
Background here: Testing Needed - AUDIO_CLASH_SUPPRESSION_LEVEL
-------------------------------- BOOT_VOLUME ----------------------------------
#define BOOT_VOLUME 200
Allows your saber to start with a lower volume on boot/reset or after uploading. You would then use Volume Menu to increase to operating volume.
More background here:
-------------------------------- MORE TO COME… ----------------------------------
I’ll continue to expand on additional features as I have time and as they are merged so check this reply regularly. Please note, we’re still in pre-Alpha so not all of the above can work yet. This area is to discuss, once everything is ready for Alpha testing Fredrik will announce formally so if you’re trying to do something above and it’s not working it’s probably because not all of the pieces to the puzzle are there yet.