Yes, “Force Boost” effects are applied when using force effect and last for the Duration you set.
Is there a site issue? Style Library options and buttons aren’t working and OS6’s Library is a 404 error.
Migrating hosting services. Some files may have been missed. Will take a look later this evening.
I think I got everything, if still having trouble let me know.
So far so good! Thanks!
I seem to be having an issue where choosing the Multi Phase color change option for the swing effects does not work properly. for example: If I choose the stab/melt color for the swing color, and then switch the color of the swings to the multi phase option, the swing color reverts back to the stab/melt color i previously used, despite the multi phase option being present in the style.
Not sure if this happens for any other option that allows for the multi phase color option to be used.
I have fixed, you’ll need to refresh the page get updated script.
Wonderful, thank you!
Tried a style, didn’t really change anything execpt “special Ability” 5.
Last layer is missing a location argument (Int<-1>):
Here’s the full generated code:
/* copyright Fett263 CustomBlade (Primary Blade) OS7 Style
OS7.14 v2.242p
Single Style
Multi Phase (Original - Color Change)
Default: Hyper Responsive Rotoscope (Original Trilogy) [BaseColorArg]
1: Unstable Rage [AltColorArg]
Multi Phase Control: use Color Change with COLOR_CHANGE_DIRECT define (to enable click-to-change).
NOTE:This style includes Control Layer. Only one Control Layer should be used per preset.
--Effects Included--
Ignition Effect: Standard Ignition [Color: IgnitionColorArg]
Retraction Effect: Standard Retraction [Color: RetractionColorArg]
Lockup Effect:
0: mainLockMulti0Shape - Begin: Real Clash - Style: Intensity AudioFlicker - End: Full Blade Absorb
[Color: LockupColorArg]
Lightning Block Effect:
0: mainLBMulti0Shape - Begin: Responsive Impact - Style: Strobing AudioFlicker - End: Full Blade Absorb
[Color: LBColorArg]
Drag Effect:
0: mainDragMulti0Shape - Begin: Wipe In - Style: Intensity Sparking Drag - End: Wipe Out
[Color: DragColorArg]
Melt Effect:
0: mainMeltMulti0Shape - Begin: Wipe In - Style: Intensity Melt - End: Wipe Out
[Color: StabColorArg]
Blast Effect: Blast Wave (Random) [Color: BlastColorArg]
Clash Effect: Real Clash V1 [Color: ClashColorArg]
Special Ability 5: Play Sound - Ignite Uses first track in /tracks folder or default track for preset if /tracks folder not included
Int<-1> should be default to the template. Did you get an error when uploading?
Makes sense. Did not try to compile it. Might just be a style editor thing as it popped an error, and I saw the nested one in the generated style shows both arguments and drew my eye to the “missing” one.
I did not consider an “omitted” default. Thanks .
Sorry for the false alarm.
No worries, if you get an error on compiling I’ll have a look.
Just a note, I pushed a small update for a few fixes but didn’t get a chance to test out everything, if any bugs pop up just post here. You’ll need to refresh the page to get the script updates.
Moving this request to the OS7 thread for organizational purposes.
Request for BC Liquid Static Blast as in: