Yes, that is where the additional capacitor is meant to go.
Sorry to necro an old thread but this is a top search result for Proffie bluetooth.
Does Proffie 2.2 have an equivalent to those pads? Or must we put the capacitor between +3.3V and GND?
Yes, between 3.3v and GND. Fortunately those two pad are right next to each other on the 2.2, so very easy.
You can’t see it that clearly under the Kapton tape in this shot, but, as the saying goes, here’s one I did earlier (circled in red):
For future reference; always start a new thread when looking for help.
(Add to existing threads when you can provide help.)
Since this thread is now among the top search results for bluetooth related issues I figured I would update it with the solution that worked for me (and avoid turning this into a Stack Overflow situation ).
So to answer what was initially asked in this thread:
- Adding the capacitor between the pads on top of the Proffieboard (as seen in Sabersense’s screenshot) allowed it to power on properly with the BT-909 attached.
- I followed profezzorn’s advice and opted to connect the BT-909 between the 3.3v and a free LED* pad (LED2 in my case). Note that the BT-909 will NOT power up until you update your Proffie config to include a blade style that points to the proper LED* pad, as seen here.
A later issue I ran in was bluetooth pairing. The default password for the BT-909 was 000000 rather than the common 0000.
Having just had to do a bluetooth setup where someone couldn’t get things to work, I’m replying just to verify the new password seems to be a 6-digit run of 0’s versus the previous 4-digit version. Likely it’s to match the whole cellular security bit where Apple, etc went to a 6-digit password.
Yes, and when you look at the instructions first before your install, you can do all this at first try without guessing
Recommended wiring and config shown here:
ForceSync app connection Guide shown here: ForceSync User Guide.pdf - Google Drive
— all these links are available in this thread on Crucible: ForceSync app — bluetooth smartphone remote control ), on facebook ShtokCustomWorx and ForceSync app groups, as well as on Proffieboard and BT909 bluetooth module listings from TCSS, SaberBay, KRsabers websites and on lightsaber forums. Also all instructions will be available on my official ShtokCustomWorx website here: ShtokCustomWorx
We now use a 6-digit bluetooth pairing PIN code (000000 by default and it can be changed via Feasycom app, instructions are shown on my Youtube channel: , on GHv4 board bluetooth PIN is configured in the ForceSync app directly, I will implement same for BT909 modules a bit later) for all sound boards: GHv4, CFX, Proffieboard so there should be no confusion, forget about 4-digit PIN codes Though sometimes iOS and Android system always hints to try a 0000 or 1234 code as default, so just ignore it, it’s a system hard coded suggestion and we can’t remove or change it inside the app, I will be adding a custom popup window in the ForceSync app before pairing, suggesting to use a 6-digit PIN code 000000 by default and not use 0000 or 1234 .