ForceSync app — bluetooth smartphone remote control

ForceSync app on Android and iOS (iphones and iPads):



How-to User Guide PDF:


LITE app version (FREE download):

• turn the blade on/off, play blade effects sounds remotely from your smartphone
• monitor battery level in real time
• change sound volume in real time
• add/delete, play, stop any music track stored on the Proffieboard SD card in the “tracks” folder

PRO app version (PAID in-app upgrade from the LITE version, not released yet):

• turn the blade on/off, play blade effects sounds remotely from your smartphone
• monitor battery level in real time
• see the installed firmware version
• change sound volume in real time
• add/delete, play, stop any music track stored on the Proffieboard SD card in the “tracks” folder
• serial terminal real time monitoring
• check the “Blade ID” value of the connected blade

In order to use the bluetooth app, you need to install a bluetooth module (BT909 or BT630: preferred module is BT909 - better signal range and performance) in your saber and wire it to the Proffieboard (wiring diagrams in the Proffieboard PDF User Manual). Default pairing PIN code is 6-digits (4-digit codes won’t work): 000000


How to fix BT630 module connection issue in 89sabers Proffie cores and change pairing PIN code and bluetooth name:

ForceSync app version 1.5:

@profezzorn would be great to add some sort of Color Wheel serial commands control in ProffieOS for real time color changing :slight_smile:

We sort of have that, and we sort of don’t…
There is a command for changing the variation, but there is no command to figure out what color the blade starts with. There is also no command that can figure out if the color wheel or change is actually in effect.

Hey guys

Any news on PRO app?
Also, one of the most useful functions in my opinion is to get the font list and allow selection from the app list. Happy to help in any way I can.

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The ProffieOS Workbench supports editing all the preset things, and now with ProffieOS 6, the amount of selections for colors and such is big enough to really make a difference. It needs some work to work with TeensySabers though.
Someone submitted a PR for it, but I would like to improve it if possible before merging it.

Yeah no worries about teensy - I think I will add to that project the MOSFETs and then I am done with the hardware scope for the tutorial project. I will show them some hilts and maybe a separate cage thats wired up for neopixel.

In this case I’m using this with a Proffie 2 and 630 board in a full blown Korbanth SK2 =)

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We already have the font list in the LITE app version, go to the “Presets” menu and tap “List Presets” button. PRO app is still in development.

Yup - just looking to select from that list :slight_smile:

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