Fett263 ProffieOS6 Style Library

I just checked out the library and had a weird formatting issue. Using standard Chrome browser.

Please remove screenshot, as noted above I’m already working on updates to the layout for smaller monitors.

OK, just pushed a fix to the layouts and scrolling, you’ll need to refresh to apply it. I tested in Chrome, Firefox and Edge. If you refresh page and still have issues just describe the issue/screen that has a problem, we don’t need screenshots in this thread. If I need to see what you’re seeing I’ll message for a screenshot.

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This fix works well for desktop screens…but now on mobile devices the “I agree button” completely disappeared.

Interesting, I don’t have small monitors. I’m using dual 32" QLED IPS monitors…?

Screenshot removed, thank you.

Ok, not really worried about mobile right now as you can’t use Arduino on mobile devices. I’ll eventually get around to it but it’s much lower priority for use.

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You probably caught it between uploads, just refresh and it should be squared away.

Actually, the fix seems to have worked for Firefox browser (everything fits above the browser fold),… but Edge and Chrome still dont show the new resized popup window (even after clearing cache and refreshing). It still shows the larger popup with scroll bars. Ill give it an hour and check again…maybe its just a timing thing

Yeah or try holding the 'Shift" button and click refresh to reload the css file. Chrome seems to have a tendency to cache assets. It’s looking fine on my end on all browsers even when I shrink screen down (it has scroll bars in the pop up). I’ll continue to tweak but it should be fixed for most users now. I’ll probably throw a visible version number on the footer so we can make sure updates are showing up.

You are absolutely correct sir. Much appreciated.

So will the new OS6 style library ever get a visual editor kinda like what we had for the older visual style editor (link below)? I know your new style codes wont work with this older beta editor, but I found this editor to be the most useful when creating styles, tweaking them and helping me understand what the certain functions/options actually look like before trying to load it on my saber

Style Editor (hubbe.net)

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This would be a case where screenshots would make sense though, as you can’t show layout with just cut-n-paste.

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I need to update the style editor to support all the new stuff. I just haven’t had the time.


The library is a collection of styles I’ve designed. The Style Editor is a tool profezzorn built. I’m sure he’ll update when he has a chance but they are two separate things.

Future updates of the library will have some additional customization tools to let users tweak more aspects of the styles before building a finished preset but that’s down the line.

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Ah, thanks. Didn’t want to load up the images as I was already aware and working on it, but I guess going forward if it’s OK with you then we can post.

I can’t get the opening screens to
scroll. Using my desktop Chrome. The bars move but nothing else.

Try holding the ‘Shift’ button and refreshing the page, Chrome seems to be caching an old file.

Also, the intro messages should scroll, not the page, if you use the scroll on the center messages themselves you can roll the content up, the bar on the far right won’t move anything until the intro screen closes.

No change. nothing is clickable except scroll bar …just moves

Had to zoom out! working!

Im trying to use the new library and create a wave blade style. ive made all of the choices i liked from the os library, copied the style and pasted it to my config. after compiling i got multiple errors


ill also put up my config file as well
nicks_config.h (66.9 KB)