I think you may be making this more complicated than it needs to be. You can achieve blade plug charging without needing to make any wiring modifications to the hilt. All you need to do is make a simple blade plug using a TP4056 charge PCB (pennies from amazon or ebay) and then alter the config file a little bit to make charge mode easy to access (basically another blade preset set to stay ‘live’ without the LED timeout).
This link shows how to build the plug and provides STL files to 3D print the parts, kindly supplied by Baldusi:
In the design shown, he has added some accent strips inside the charge plug, but you don’t actually need these for it to work. The TP4056 has its own LEDs built in - red for charging, blue for fully charged - so all you need is two wires - TP4056 Batt+ to plug disc + and TP4056 Batt- to plug disc -.
I can send more details when I get home later on, but for now this video clip shows how you would use it: