2.0 is pretty low for a CLASH_THRESHOLD_G. Are you saying the define isn’t working correctly with Battle Mode 2.0? I wasn’t clear what you meant.

It is low. I’ve never been that low. I’m used to being around 3.5. I feel like I could go a little lower even. But 2.0 works pretty good. I started at 4.0 and worked my way down.

With the define I have a difficult time triggering a clash in Battle Mode 2.0. Everything is a lockup. This was happening with all clash threshold and suppression settings. I would say roughly 1 in 10 clashes result in an actual clash.

Lower will make it more sensitive are you sure that’s what you’re wanting?
Post your config, the AUDIO_CLASH_SUPRESSION_LEVEL shouldn’t affect Battle Mode at all except for eliminating false clashes from sounds.

Retesting the saber now after it sat overnight I experienced a clash that was immediately killed off upon ignition. It may be due to how the curestate plays into things. Adjusting to 21and will play with the saber and let it sit afterwards and recheck tomorrow.

Note, compared to the OS5.9 control I can hear when the audio is being suppressed to prevent the issue from happening. I’ll admit part of me misses the specific way those sounds played originally but I guess this is the cost we trade.

Meaning you can hear it clamping the sound? Like it’s audibly loud->fading quickly-> to softer?

Yeah, I was having to whack it pretty good to get a clash. So I lowered it to where it’s responding appropriately.
Here’s the config.

Here is what I am talking about with the clashes in BM. This was a font that was giving me false clashes, especially on the ignition. As you can see there are none. This is running the config posted above, with the clash at 2.0. The first ignition is without BM and the swing on is with.

Try raising the FETT263_BM_CLASH_DETECT value. I don’t think it’s related to the new define at all though. The determination for Battle Mode happens AFTER the clash has occurred, this define affects when the clash is detected. You could test without the AUDIO_CLASH_SUPRESSION_LEVEL define but I have zero idea how that would be any different.

Best to just play with all of the defines to get it to work how you want, there are a lot of variables involved so just test different values for each to dial it all in.

This define does absolutely nothing to how sounds play or sound, so whatever you’re experiencing is completely unrelated. All this change does is take the sounds into account when determining if a clash occurred. I think you’re better off leaving the testing to others - I don’t have time for more of your wild goose chases on completely unrelated or non-existent symptoms.

I have the clash detect at 8. It was like that before I started. I under the impression that was the max. Can it go higher? If so, what is the max?

Max is 16, try 9 then increase by 1 until it works like you want

@NoSloppy yes. Exactly that. The sound changes immediately so it does work as I see being intended.

@Fett263 Stop that. I’m playing fair here and giving the feedback is all. The tone of your reply is unnecessary.

Then start a new thread and provide videos and your config so it can be diagnosed. This thread is for a fix for false clashes from loud sounds and that’s all this define does, anything else should have its own thread. The tone is the cumulative effect of all the times you’ve “cried wolf” and wasted my time. I have enough people testing and providing feedback so maybe sit this one out…

Gotcha. That is awesome, I didn’t realize I had room to wiggle with clash detect. I will keep tweaking settings and post the results, good or bad.
Bumping up the clash detect to 16 seems to get it to where I can get clashes most of the time. It’s still doesn’t take much to get a lockup though. Would bumping up the lockup delay help with that at all?
It’s just super fine tuning at this point though, as I feel this saber is working pretty damn well now. Much better than before the new define. I tested another saber too. I will make a separate post about that.

I tested the define on another saber. I think this one is a pretty extreme case. It has the false clashes bad. But it is also very loud and has a 2-part chassis, where the bottom half with the board is removable. Which I think accounts for it’s problems. I tried to fix it without sacrificing volume, but it was not possible. Here is a breakdown for the sweet spot on this one:
Clash suppression ended up at 15, too much higher and it was very difficult to trigger a clash (even with a low threshold), and too much lower it wasn’t suppressing.
Clash threshold started at 4.2 and ended up at .5. Yes, .5. I didn’t try 0.
Clash detect started at 8 and ended up at 13.
Volume started at 2000 and ended up at 1600.
I wanted to keep as much volume as possible. Most fonts work great and don’t false clash at all, but certain fonts still cause some false clashes. The 7th Sister font from Juansith, for example. It’s not perfect, but I feel this is an acceptable level of false clashes to volume ratio. Like the other saber, this one is much better with the new define.

Good to hear, if possible you may want to try some insulation between the speaker and board too. Sounds like the chassis may not offer enough.


Hey guys just did another upload. So far it’s getting a little better but still not all the way perfect. Doesn’t happen with my Graflex but my 89 sabers still has some trouble with the audio clash suppression. Set from 20 to 25 it’s better than before but need some suggestions. Let me know thank you.!

And you tried these?

#define FILTER_ORDER 8

You may need to further lower your volume, make sure the chassis is secure in the hilt or better insulate your board from the speaker.
Some chassis designs and/or hilts seem to amplify the speaker vibrations.

You’ll need to find the “goldilocks” zone between volume, clash threshold and audio suppression with filter cutoff that works best.

Chassis is perfectly secured. What do recommend for insulation if don’t mind me asking from board to speaker?

Not sure, I’ve never had to I just know some people had improved results doing. To be honest this is really hard for me to troubleshoot, I have 10 different sabers and none of them have ever had this issue. The only way I was able to mimic was leaving the chassis on Fallen saber exposed and dropping the clash threshold way down. Maybe post on some of the saber groups for ways people have insulated the board unless anyone here has ideas.

I’ve never had this problem either. I typically mount my speakers with a bead of e6000 so that by nature has a little spongy give to it :person_shrugging:
Board too.