Sound Font Naming Converter
Version 4 brings a stand-alone audio converter, the ability to process multiple fonts in one go and more.
Let me know if anything seems off
Version History
- Fixed logging for Audio Conversion.
- Fixed Sample Rate conversion error.
- Version Changelog popup.
- BC Style Editor link in Other Sites section.
- Dedicated Golden Harvest naming instead of suggesting to just use CFX naming.
- Add Golden Harvest settings.txt to the font folder in the process.
- Timestamp to Conversion_log.txt.
- Changed GH3 to just Golden Harvest, as there’s now a GH4 as well that uses the same convention.
- Changed board dropdown menus to mixed instead of all CAPS.
- Changed “Convert” to “Rename” throughout, except Convert Audio, because that is actual conversion.
- Verso: Changed any extra font files to fontALT instead of boot files.
- Fixed status text that wasn’t showing the source font folder name.
- Fixed Semantic Versioning of this project!
- Fixed optimization checkbox hover tips.
- Added optional Enable High Pass filter to both renaming and audio convert only routines.
- Automatically apply 40 sample fade-in and fade-out to front and end of wavs to prevent clicking.
- Automatically scroll to bottom to reveal Download button when ready.
- Fixed optimization checkbox hover tips.
- Metadata tags are removed (Artist, Title, Genre etc…)
Support mp4 video files! Audio will be grabbed from video files and converted to ideal .wav format as well.
Specific GH3 naming fixes.
CFX results now properly do not number the first blaster.wav file.
Tracks, extras, bonus etc… files no longer changed to all lowercase.
Verso 2.0 support - also add blast1.wav for blaster firing sound.
older post follows
Support for .mp3 files. They will be converted to ideal .wav format as well.
Stand-alone audio converter without renaming or restructuring anything with the “Convert Audio Only” button up top. Download starts automatically when finished.
“Multiple Fonts” checkbox allows for selecting a folder of font folders to be processed. This applies automatically to Audio Only conversions.
Better handling of tracks, “extra” or “bonus” material.
Support for Alt Sounds folders.
Support for sub-sub sounds.
Support for “tr” sounds. (numbers are offset -1)
File chooser interface customized to reflect when available / unavailable, with chosen folder details shown.
Improved logging.
- Audio is automatically checked and converted to proper specs if needed. (44.1kHz, 16bit, monaural .wav file with no metadata)
- Added multiple download slots to allow for concurrent users.
- Uploaded and zipped files are removed after 3 minutes instead of at next conversion.
- Processed files are sorted in expected order to retain same file numbers on output (as opposed to swng10->swng02 etc…)
- Downloaded font folder is labeled as font_board (so like Dooku_PROFFIE) to avoid mixing your fonts up.
- Removed Proffie Optimizer button for consistency in conversion processes.
- GUI:
– Live, scrollable log view of conversion process.
– Log output is written to a Conversion Log and is included with converted font.
– Convert button shows availability with red or green. Larger too.
– Separate upload and progress bars just because.
– Larger, colorful download button is removed when download expires.
– Dynamic Download button text.
– Overall more informative progress bar text including font name, source and target board, upload and download status, and error messages.
– Tool tip changes depending on Optimize for Proffie checkbox enabled or not.
- Fixed the Proffie-to-proper-Proffie script for handling Extras and Tracks folders found on root.
original post follows
Hi. Ok, so someone on Discord came up with a little script to rename Proffie sound fonts to Xenopixel format.
I thought it would be useful to be able to convert all sorts of ways, so I made it do:
CFX to Proffie
CFX to Xenopixel
Proffie to CFX
Proffie to Xenopixel
Xenopixel to CFX
Xenopixel to Proffie
While it works fine, I mostly just copied the first block and repeated for other sound effect names (with a few caveats for 8char max and weird CFX stuff etc…)
It’s totally redundant and not elegant coding, and after dabbling with ProffieOS for a good while now, I know a bit more of what should be going on …in theory though.
I have Fredrik’s voice in my head like “Use the force, Luke!”, reverb and all, telling me there’s a better way to program it.
I spent a good bunch of hours self educating on bash (syntax and parameter expansion mostly) and now I’m about to look into making arrays the fix for the long drawn out code, as opposed to a case for every possible sound doing the same thing over and over.
I thought I’d share, as this is just as much open source as anything else, so if anyone feels compelled to look at some simple task programming, here’s your chance.
Starting with the latest that I did tonight, in prep for streamlining the rest, I did “Proffie to Proper Proffie.” Since the input and output names are all the same, it’s more straight forward than needing to read from an array and keep track of indices and stuff. It’s a loop that just runs through the folder contents until it’s done, taking into account adding leading zeros when appropriate, subfolders when appropriate, and not making a mess of empty folders or subfoldered singles.