ProffieOS7 Style Library Phase 4 (Early Access) - Q & A

Thanks, was away this weekend but will work on this as I get time this week.

Just an update, I narrowed down the issues on the Miss counter and resetting the Alt Font but I need to make some larger changes to the script and then test so it will probably be something I get to over the coming weekend.

For the Interactive Preon Unlock, I need to create two versions, a “One-time” and “Each Time” Unlock, right now it’s kinda in between, it resets part of the game on ignition but not all, but for users who only want to “win once” to unlock and then use the saber normally (until they cut power or change preset) it’s not working fully and for users who want it to reset on each ignition it’s also not fully working. So part of the update will be making separate options to implement the game as an Unlock to your preference.


Another update, got about 75% of the way, but have to go a different way to handle resetting the Miss/Strike Counter, so gonna take a little longer to get it working how I want. The first approach didn’t “play nice” with resetting after a Win, so I am trying a different method but ran out of time today. Will keep at it this week and post as soon as it’s all ready.

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OK, just pushed an update. You’ll need to refresh the page for the updated scripts.

This should resolve the Miss/Strike Counter not resetting on a Win/Loss and reverting the Alt Font when we restart the game.

I also added the “/alt000/” to the note for setting up the Alt Font if selected.

For Interactive Preons, there are now two options; “One-time Win” and “Each Ignition”.

The “One-time Win” version game is only triggered until you win, once you win the game the Prize remains unlocked and your Power Button will ignite as normal. You cannot go back into the game unless you cut power or change presets (this will always reset the game). This allows you to win and then ignite normally and keep your prize style and/or Alt Font even if you retract the blade.

The “Each Ignition” version will restart the game every time you ignite with the Power Button. So your prize is only active until you ignite with the Power Button. Note you can set up and use Special Ability Ignitions on 5 ~ 8 you can ignite the blade without triggering a new game. This would allow you to keep the prize active by igniting with the Special Ability control, but as soon as you ignite with the Power Button it will reset the game.

I did not test all possible combinations of the options, so if something doesn’t work just let me know which options you selected and what issue you’re having.


I did a bit of testing and the hit counter seems to be working correctly for the Special Abilities version now. Thanks! :slight_smile:

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