ProffieOS7 Style Library Phase 4 (Early Access) - Q & A

Phase 4 Early Access is now officially live for my Early Access Patrons. Please post any questions or issues in this thread.

ProffieOS7 Early Access Library Phase 4 - ANH Training Remote Mini Game

Demo of library options:

I am officially launching Phase 4 of my Early Access Library and to kick off the new library I have added the new ā€˜ANH Training Remote Mini Gameā€™ along with a bunch of new options and controls.

Based on the Training Remote scene in ANH, this Mini Game uses hovering/movement sounds (hisses) and blaster firing sounds.

To successfully deflect the incoming bolts you must quickly swing your saber immediately after the blaster firing sound plays, however, if you swing early you need to bring your saber to a stop before the next swing is needed. If you swing before the blast sound or during a movement sound and do not reset to a rest you cannot successfully deflect.

To Win Mini Game you must complete Three Consecutive Successes before receiving Three Strikes. If you get Three Strikes you will lose the Mini Game and your saber will retract automatically. In order for this game to work you will need to include the necessary sounds in your font.

Jesse at Kyberphonics has graciously donated the necessary sounds to all of my Early Access Patrons, so you can download the necessary sounds from the library when you add the Mini Game to your style. The style code will include the information on the required sounds, so you can make or customize yourself, but you can use the sounds from Kyberphonics right away by adding them to your font and uploading the new style code.

There is a bunch of customization available for how the game looks and works and you can choose from several control options; Special Abilities or an Interactive Preon Unlock (which makes it so you need to successfully win the game to use the saber, if you lose the saber will turn itself off).

This new Mini Game is only available for my Early Access Patrons via Phase 4 of my Early Access Style Library.


When I use the preon version of the ANH Training Mini Game, should I be able to select for alt font as part of the ā€˜prizeā€™?

Iā€™m getting instructions for alt font at the top section of your library output when itā€™s set as special ability, but not as a pre on. Everything else seems good! Extremely cool and really fun when testing with friends today :slight_smile:

It ā€œshouldā€, I may need to update the output for the style information. Iā€™ll have a look later.

I tried a couple of times to verify.

Itā€™s possible the script is missing that variable, Iā€™ll review when I get a chance.

In the interim, please see message I sent.

So it looks like i missed that option in the Preon script. Iā€™ll try to get it added in the next day or two.

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