ProffieOS7 Style Library - (Phase 1 Public Access) Q & A Thread

Hi there,

I’m pretty new to proffie, and I built a few styles using the OS7 phase one library (with using functions). It’s great, but somehow post offs don’t work. I can hear the samples playing, but there is no blade animation, even though I added post offs in the builder. Side note: I don’t get any options for post offs in the preview of the config helper nor in edit mode.

{ "Unstable;common",  "Unstable/tracks/track1.wav",
StylePtr<Kylo>("65535,0,0 ~ ~ 4 300 ~ 65535,0,0 3 0,0,65535 0,0,65535 0,17521,65535 23501 65535,14386,3131 28500 0,0,65535 65535,14386,3131 28500 65535,14386,3131 1 ~ 2000 ~ 3 ~ 2 0 ~ 65535,1113,0 2 ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ 10992 10992"),

StylePtr<CC>("65535,0,0 ~ 1 ~ 0 ~ 65535,0,0 1 0,0,65535 0,0,65535 0,14386,65535 ~ ~ ~ 0,0,65535 ~ ~ 65535,14386,3131 ~ ~ ~ 65535,1113,0 2 ~ ~ 0 ~ 65535,1113,0 0 ~ 65535,0,0 1"),


/*--------------------------------- Kylo---------------------------------*/
using Kylo = 
/*copyright Fett263 KyloRen (Primary Blade) OS7 Style
OS7.12 v1.017-p
This Style Contains 77760 Unique Combinations
Style Options:
Default (0): Kylo Ren Unstable (Film Based)
1: Kylo Ren Unstable (Supreme Leader)

--Effects Included--
Preon Effect Options: Default (0): Disable, 1: Emitter Heat Up, 2: Overload, 3: Faulty Ignition, 4: Erratic (Apocalypse Version), 5: Force Drain (Decay Version) [Color: PreonColorArg]
Ignition Effect Options: Default (0): Standard Ignition, 1: Wipe + Fade, 2: SparkTip Ignition, 3: Cycle Up, 4: Lightning Strike, 5: Metal Forge (Heat Up) [Color: IgnitionColorArg]
PowerUp Effect Options: Default (0): Disable, 1: Power Flash, 2: Power Burst Forward, 3: Unstable Power Up Forward, 4: Power Surge (Stable), 5: Power Surge (Unstable V2) [Color: IgnitionColorArg]
Retraction Effect Options: Default (0): Standard Retraction, 1: Wipe In + Fade, 2: SparkTip Retraction, 3: Cycle Down, 4: Metal Forge (Cool Down) [Color: RetractionColorArg]
CoolDown Effect Options: Default (0): Disable, 1: Power Flash, 2: Power Burst Reverse, 3: Unstable Cool Down Reverse [Color: RetractionColorArg]
PostOff Effect Options: Default (0): Disable, 1: Emitter Cool Off (Emitter Size), 2: Emitter Glow (Emitter Size) [Color: PostOffColorArg]
Lockup Effect: Intensity Lockup V1, Begin Effect: Real Clash, End Effect: Full Blade Absorb [Color: LockupColorArg]
LightningBlock Effect: Responsive Lightning Block [Color: LBColorArg]
Drag Effect: Intensity Sparking Drag [Color: DragColorArg]
Melt Effect: Intensity Melt [Color: StabColorArg]
Stab Effect: Normal Stab [Color: StabColorArg]
Blast Effect (Randomly Selected): Blast Wave (Random), Responsive Blast Wave (Random), Responsive Blast Fade (Random) [Color: BlastColorArg]
Clash Effect: Real Clash V1 [Color: ClashColorArg]
Swing Effect Options: Default (0): Disable, 1: Bright Swing (Scaled Responsive Edge), 2: Unstable Swing (Scaled Full Blade) [Color: SwingColorArg]
 add to preset as StylePtr<Kylo>()

Seems to work fine for me, your Default(0): is set to “Disable” so you need to select a different OFF_OPTION_ARG to see the visual effects.
With ProffieOS there is no POST_OFF_OPTION, only an OFF_OPTION so that is how you select. If you select 1 or 2 you will see a visual effect.

Oh, I see. I was confused by the settings for the crystal chamber, If I’m not mistaken, there, the OFF_OPTION defines how it behaves when the saber is not ignited. Just tried it in edit mode and it works. Thanks!

Yes, because there’s no Post Off Option in edit mode, we use Off Option for Post Off since there aren’t typically off effects on a main blade.

I found a bug.

On Style “Simple / Static Flicker”, the option for Lockup Begin effect “Localized Flash” has a typo, an errant ; in the style code. Here’s the code it generated:


You can see the errant ; after the 2nd to last Int<10000> arg.

Found another typo.

Responsive Blast Fade (Sound Based) has a typo in the first Scale< BladeAngle<>, the max scale setting is: Int<000> should be Int<8000>


These have been fixed, you’ll need to refresh the page to get updates.

Hi Fett, I have question, and I apologize if it’s been brought up before. I started playing around with the Multi Phase function in OS7, and I noticed a 1-2 second silence/lag when going to this preset (delay in firing up font.wav). Is there a way to minimize that? I assume it’s the proffieboard loading up the altfonts?

Really appreciate your time and all that you’ve done for this community. Thanks.

Did you read the “NOTICE” at the top of the library?
What did ‘sdtest’ say your SD card performance was?

Hi Fett, I also noticed 1-2 second lag when loading the font.wav for Party Mode. It is much more pronounced on my LGT sabers than in the Sabertrios, although one of them also has a noticeable lag. I uploaded a couple unlisted videos on my YouTube channel to demonstrate this; there is no lag in the sound fonts until I reach the ones with the Party Mode:

Party Mode test #1 (one LGT and one Sabertrio):

Party Mode test #2 (another LGT and Sabertrio):

Honestly, it is a minor issue and doesn’t detract from the overall fun of playing around with Party Mode. Really appreciate all of your hard work!

See my above reply and the NOTICE at the top of the library :wink:.

Hi again, I just ran sdtest and on a couple of sd cards and they all showed (more or less), “Time to read blocks: Average speed: 1649.45 kb/s, 18.70 simultaneous audio streams.” The sd cards I’m using are San Disk Ultra 16gbs which are recommended in the proffie manual pdf (updated 2021).

And I’m assuming that’s on the font in question? If the SD is that fast then there shouldn’t be any lag, if there is probably not much else that can be done. Do you have a large number of individual fonts on the card? There are threads on ways to improve SD performance with file structures or cleaning out odd files (for Mac I think). At the end of the day, sound is processed first in the OS, so lag is a product of the SD card and sound files, not the style code. I’d look around for some options in theCrucible, that’s not really my area of expertise and I can’t say I’ve ever really run into it to offer suggestions.

Correct, it’s the same font in question. I did another test where I formatted my SD card and put in just the bare files (common folder and 2 soundfonts). Also cleaned up the config.h to have 2 presets so I can cycle between them.

Unfortunately even with those changes, there’s still a delay. I ordered a faster sd card - hoping that will make a difference. Thanks again Fett!

That’s not what I meant, the number of presets shouldn’t impact how a single font performs. There are some threads on how to optimize the fonts with folders. The performance you listed above is above the minimum necessary so it may just be the font itself. 1649.45 is more than sufficient.

I am unable to get a preons to play at all, only with the free rey skywalker font from the repository.

That would be a font issue, not a style issue. Best to start a separate thread to troubleshoot.

Just curious, any possibility of updating Reys final saber effect into your OS7 style library? I have an installed KR Scavenger hilt and would love to set it up as screen accurate as possible.

You mean Rey TROS Spark (Green to Blue) preon? It’s already in the library, just couple it with a Gold Rotoscope style.