ProffieOS 7.7 Beta (done)

Can I see your config file please?

Here’s the main config:

And this is the config I’ve added to the folder with all the oled bitmaps:

The times are floats. Does it matter that your settings say 7000 instead of 7000.0?
Are you sure those OLED settings are not also in the main font config.ini ?

I’ll try adding the .0 when I get home. I was just puzzled that the same config and SD card layout works with the earlier 7.x from a few weeks ago, but not with the latest one. And I’m 99 percent sure there’s no OLED configs in any font folders, but again I’ll double check when I get home.

Forgive my ignorance, but what do you mean by ‘floats’?

The .0 should make no difference.

Float: Floating-point arithmetic - Wikipedia

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Yikes! Reading articles like that reminds me why I failed my 11-plus! :confused: LOL! But am I right in saying essentially that the numbers aren’t absolutes but are variables depending on other numbers? In which case I need to figure out what other numbers I need to change to achieve the frame rate and duration and other parameters that I’m after…

…I think…

Float just means “numbers with decimals”, the article I linked explains how that works in a lot more detail then is probably necessary… :slight_smile:

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So I guess this could pass as a test of TrDoeffect<>.
Just a TrConcat running through effects as a “demo” mode style.


It seems to work when I try it.
I used your config file. (except with the standard saber prop)
I created /shared/functions/oled, /shared/random and /fontprem/graflex directories on the sd card.
I put a standard sound font config.ini in /fontprem/graflex/
I put your oled config file in /shared/functions/oled/

With this setup, the fontimageduration becomes 7000.
What am I missing?

I was finding that the boot animation didn’t seem to play right. Again I can send it over when I get home, but basically it was cutting it short under the new system. I’m certain it was displaying for five seconds, not seven, but I’ll get a stopwatch on it when I get home, but either way, it would cut off the bitmap before it had played all the frames. But under the earlier 7.x, it played the entire bitmap sequence correctly.

Hmm, I think backwards compatibility has been messed up.
We added a new variable: ProffieOSBootImageDuration, which defaults to 4000
That means that ProffieOSFontImageDuration is now ignored, which is not very backwards compatible…

I could change to be backwards compatible, but maybe the new behavior is better? opinions?

Ah OK. So boot image duration and font image duration are now two separate parameters. In that case, all I need to do is specify a new ProffieOSBootImageDuration. yes?

I think on balance the new system is better as gives more control. Will try it when I get home. :slight_smile:

Thanks as always guys! :+1:

We could make it backwards compatible though, so that if BootImageDuration is not specified, but FontImageDuration is, it would use that.

I kind of think I should fix that so that old configurations work as they used to.

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As someone who has been loudly critical of companies like Apple for actively breaking functions that are more than five minutes old, I love your commitment to backwards compatability Prof! So refreshing in this day and age and is just another thing that makes ProffieOS the best thing ever in the entire world of computing! :+1:

Just a quick update - the ProffieOSBootImageDuration thing has indeed resolved my issue: runs perfectly with the sub-config in the oled folder and the SD card file structure as per my main config. Makes things nice and neat. :+1:

And on a brief aside, a couple of weeks ago, I altered my SD file structure so that no more than 15 folders sit inside another folder, as per the Prof’s comments on another thread about speeding things up in terms of wav file access. (Hence the FontPrem/Graflex and Shared/Function/oled address lines. I even left the ‘s’ off the end of Functions to keep the filename below eight characters :smiley: I hope you’ll forgive the SD screenshot on this one occasion Prof. :crossed_fingers: ).

This has definitely made a difference to system speed and has all but eliminated what were admittedly only subtle and occasional clicks on the audio. Definitely worth doing, and I’m loving my new, super-tidy and streamlined SD card layouts. :slight_smile:

Sincere thanks as always guys.

Screenshot 2023-03-03 at 16.06.20

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shoot, I thought we addressed this.
I guess the misstep was assuming a default boot Image duration would cover the case of no Font duration specified, wheras backwards compatible would more mean filling the expectation of Boot image being tied to the font image timing.

Can’t wait for the wiki instructions, Epic!

Not sure what you’re waiting for.
All OS7 features have already been documented
Links to the documentation for each new feature can be found here

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Just in case anybody wonders why I’m not testing stuff on the list above: It’s because I’m busy updating the style editor for 7.x


Ok, we have our first 7.0 bugfix: I made boot image time fallback on fontimageduration to make it more backwards compatible.

I’m going to wait a day and see if any other issues are found before I make a 7.1 zip file.

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