Is there any option to enable blade detect with my lgt proffie core?

If I understand the bald detect correctly you need to wire any pogo pin to either data2 3 or 4 to a proffieboard v2.2 .

Here is my current board and how it is wired.

The pins are wired from front as well. Seen below.

So I would need to add the No blade to the blade config section and the presets.

Im curious as to which pogo pin to use and which data pin to wire too.

P.s. can this be added to the proffie configuration page so that I can see it im a visual learner.

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No, you cannot use blade detect.
However, you can probably use continuous blade ID scanning instead.

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Sweet I’ll read up in the pod and get back to you.

No, Extra pin must be available on the blade connector, only NPXL V3-V4 blade connectors from ShtokCustomWorx have it and can be used to enable blade detect, this feature was first brought with NPXL V2 connector in 2018.

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So. I am still waiting on the usb to ttl so I can use the serial monitor and run the scanid command so in the interim I measured my blade for the OHM on my multimeter, I used the 2k Ohm dial and the put the negative to the outer ring and the positive to the middle ring and the resistance measured 485, as it stands where do I put the value?

That might not work well, as the resistance tends to change a fair amount when on and when off. Also, by default V2 boards use SnapshotBladeID, which doesn’t actually measure resistance.

The resistance is the first value in each entry in the blades array though.

based on the documentation I read I would need to use the following defines

shared powerpins

and the

#define BLADE_ID_CLASS SnapshotBladeID<bladeIdentifyPin> 

plus the


#define BLADE_ID_TIMES 15

given the wiring do I need to bridge anything?

I know that will greatly define what’s in the blade config on the bottom.

Probably not.
Although snapshotbladeid can be a bit unpredictable, so you’ll just have to test it and see.

here’s my config,

incendiusv7.h (138.5 KB)

what do I need to add, and do I need to do the scanid BEFORE making changes?