oh yeah i forgot to say that i had loaded stuff onto my board before. Its Greyscales font “exalted” but after i did that everything kinda fell apart ngl. i think i might take a break from it though
So did you get this config uploaded
nah its still saying the same thing, i made sure to save it to the same file, make sure it wasnt a copy, extracted my proffieos folder, made sure i named everything correctly. with what i know i checked all the boxes but its still bugging out
What’s does this mean
like I extracted the folder i downloaded from the proffieOS website
- Put extracted folder of proffieOS on your desktop
2.drop the config I sent you into the config folder in the the proffieOS folder
3.open arduino from within the proffieOS folder
4.hit compile
Also make your you have it defined
#define CONFIG_FILE “config/Anakin_EP3_Proffie_2_Button.h”
i did exactly that and its still saying "#define CONFIG_FILE “config/Anakin_EP3_Proffie_2_Button.h”
Just a note for pasting your config or error messages: use 3 backticks before and after, like this
your code or error here
The “backticks” (`) make you code much easier to read/unerstand/correct by the regulars on The Crucible.
ok but is there anyway you can help me with this issue??
That means that you are not editing what you think you are editing. And if you want to make sure of this, just introduce a “voluntary” error: remove one }
somewhere in your config and try to verify. If you are where you think you are, you should see a whole new bunch of errors. If you don’t see a whole bunch of new errors, you are editing something else &/or somewhere else. Check for “stays” “spaces” (" "), spelling, in the file name, in the folder name, in sub folder names …
Maybe, but only if I knew what the issue was: post your latest config (within 3 backticks before and after), post your error msg (within 3 … ) as well. However I am now off to bed, so I will look tomorrow.
What exactly does this mean?
That is what you should edit the line to be in the ProffieOS.ino file that you have open in Arduino.
i got it working but now my bottom button isnt working, its also not recognizing the blade
Unless you changed this part:
#define NUM_BUTTONS 2
or this part:
Button PowerButton(BUTTON_POWER, powerButtonPin, "pow");
Button AuxButton(BUTTON_AUX, auxPin, "aux");
there’s no reason your button shouldn’t be working unless the button itself or the wiring got broken.
If you changed the prop file to something different than
#include "../props/saber_fett263_buttons.h"
then the button controls might be different.
Unless you changed this part:
const unsigned int maxLedsPerStrip = 144;
or this part:
BladeConfig blades[] = {
{ 0, WS281XBladePtr<129, bladePin, Color8::GRB, PowerPINS<bladePowerPin2, bladePowerPin3> >(), CONFIGARRAY(presets) },
there’s no reason your blade shouldn’t be working unless the blade itself or the wiring got broken.
I didn’t change any of these, the problem was all his blade styles were messed up, all the problems were in the presents
The forum might have also eaten some things that it thought was tags since the config wasn’t quoted with ```
I sent him a download link to a copy of a fully working config, I don’t have a two button saber to test it but i’m pretty sure that config should of should’ve worked,
It compiled fine, I just don’t understand what he’s doing on his end
Only now did I see that you are BVM lol.
Hello there
What is BVM?