I didnt see any info on the subject of an actual idle sound with and accent…or alone. Would or could that be something that can be added in the future?
Could you explain how that would work in use?
Idle as in when the saber is off? Like playing a track?
Idles sound meaning…an idle sound saber off. Not a track. Possibly for accent lighting or just have as a sound during idle… im thinking there are other uses for proffieboard than light sabers.
But i have a use for it. Maybe it can have a define when not in use?
Well if you can describe in detail how exactly you’d like it to work, I don’t think it’s anything you couldn’t just add to a prop file.
For example:
Does it start playing when the blade turns off?
Or if there is no blade or whatever, do you even use it when it would be turning the blade on and off with the power button?
Or do you want to trigger it to start and stop with a particular button regardless of the “blade” being on or off?
Unless it’s some details you don’t want to disclose, providing an exact scenario of how you want it to work would be easier to figure out what’s best.
All great questions. And i personally think it would be great for everyone. No secrets on this one. It might be an important part of a build.
The ideal situation for the primary idea is to have a sound at idle, powered off, Blade in…or out…or no blade at all…no attachment there…with accent lighting going on…or what ever is desired. It would go off when powered on, and on when powered off. If I could use a third button to trigger the sound…it would need to be like a hum effect…always on repeat…so I can still use the track player. Button control can just be simple as on and off with no bgn or endings. It’s mostly for effect…while in idle. Attaching to let’s say the crystal chamber accent…a slight hum or a generating sound. I noticed alot of builds have tons of things going on and no ability to add sound to that effect…like proton packs, proto packs and so on. I would love it at least to be able to be bypassed as a possible define. If it’s assigned to a third button that’s ok to… but I’m not sure how that would be in programming terms whether it’s a better pathway to create as a define attached, or a third button ability…maybe a special ability?
I’m mean I guess I could make a 20 minute track and just repeat it, but it would be cool to have this function available. And it really can’t be attached to a gesture either. Buttons are best or at least within the config as a define if button operation is a miss.
Special Ability could certainly do it, I would have to write it into the library to set code up properly, I would use a tr.wav that blends into itself so it can easily repeat without a noticeable start/stop.
Oh wow. That would be awesome. I came across the need for it and i figured why not ask…
Thinking about it…I would definitely use a special ability in off to give a low ‘rev’ to the crystal chamber in my obi saber. Or to the led pulse in some hilts… sometimes I’ll use a color besides black on a blade, like the Sailor Moon saber I’m currently updating, and it could also use a looping idle hum.
Great idea!
@MountainSabers if it helps I kinda already did my version of that last Oct/Nov and there should be a couple video demos somewhere in the FB groups. The way I integrated the idea was to apply it to the no-blade function and if you swing the saber it won’t ignite because there’s obviously no blade or bladeplug in there. It just plays as what appears to be a low idling hum instead. Just no accent lighting is all. You’re all welcome to play with the modded hums here.
DM me if you wanna go more into it, we can setup a Zoom and I’ll demo it. MTFBWY!
Might be better to just write it into hybrid_font.h
There is OFF_IDLE
which looks like it’s only really used currently for displays…
You want the transition sounds moved to hybrid_font for OS8? Originally you told me to keep them in my prop.
@A_Rogue_Child .Hi there. I appreciate the info. And this might be a great alternative for me. My objective was to hopefully have it as a separate effect…so all the other effects are not messed with. I think i see a spark of possibility in this topic and super excited to maybe see it come to life. I think its a great addition to the platform.
Not sure, what do they do again? (Maybe start a new thread about this?)
Doesn’t sound like transitions or any effect like that to me.
It’s just parallel to the idle.bmp for displays.
Looping sound that plays when saberbase is off.

Doesn’t sound like transitions or any effect like that to me.
The Special Abilities and Transition Sounds were created to implement any custom sound or capability without needing a specific effect for every new idea. They are generic “placeholders” to allow for unique customizations in each preset, so from my perspective this is the exact use
Here’s a POC I threw together. Using a Special Ability slot we are able to use the Transition Sounds to allow for an Idle/Off sound effect, like an engine humming, etc. This effect can be toggled on or off with the Special Ability, giving more control.
In addition, the Special Ability is written to stop the sound when the saber ignites and restart the sound on retraction for as long as the effect is enabled. This allows for independent control of the effect and allows for setting the effect on specific presets where it’s desired without occupying other effects or sounds.
I did encounter a minor bug in my OS7 prop that limits this use so we may need an update to OS7 or may need to wait for OS8 to officially launch, but conceptually this runs perfectly and allows for a very flexible implementation.
Thats the ticket! I shall wait for it!