Hi i am trying to follow this video turtorial on how to add a new profile/style using fett263s website onto a ultraproffie lite board, no one has said it cant be done, and the dev states that all proffie styles are capadable to the board which in the style editor Style Editor the code im trying to use works and the style im trying to put on the board works in the editor
THE ISSUE im having is the tutorial is out of date and updated to where i cannot find a way to add in the style code on the new proffieos.ino source code with the ultra proffie lite, in the ultrasaber turtorial ,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dxHm9U7sOAk he is able to add in style codes from fett263 however the updated file does not have a STYLES_LIB_H file in the code making it confusing to folllow the turtorial , any advanced user would be amazing for some help on this as i havent found anyone willing to look into if it possible and not cop out of this challenge by simply stating it isnt possible without technical resoning