Desktop does not recognize Board, all common solutions attempted

higlight the text, then click the “quote” button that shows up when you do that. :slight_smile:

That’s weird. If the device drivers are correct, then it ought to show up in arduino. And it sounds like it does, but is grayed out? Maybe some other software on your computer is using it? Or maybe it’s a permission problem of some sort? Is your windows account an administrator account? (Although I’m not sure that actually matters or not…)

ok, so programming does work (if you use the buttons) that rules out a lot of issues, and lets us figure things out from there.

New thread sounds like a good idea.
I’m not sure if windows greates GPT or MBR partition tables nowadays, so it might be worth trying the SD association formatting tool, which I know does it correctly. (Using MBR, because Proffieboards do not support GPT, at least not yet.)

Did you select Proffieboard V2 in arduino → tools?
What kind of USB type did you select in arduino → tools?

You might want to try default_proffieboard_config.h, just to rule out anything weird in your config file(s).

The real trick is to flash them back to 5.x and see if it starts working again. That would be final proof that there is something different between 5.x and 6.x that is causing it. If that doesn’t work, then maybe you are making some other change when you are programming them that is cuasing the problem. (Like maybe not doing “eject safeily” on the SD card?)

There are quite a few differences betewen 5.x and 6.x, so if that turns out to be the key, it may still be a little tricky to find the problem. However, once we’ve established one configuration that works and one configuration that doesn’t, I should be able to try those configurations at home and see if I get the same results.

Cool trick! Thx :wink:

I didn’t touch that, never have. It’s currently on Serial both on 5.9 and 6.5… Does 6.5 require a different USB setting? Is that my issue??? :exploding_head:

Did that, and it is allowing me to flash from 5.9 back to 5.9. Tried the original config that was on this particular saber and it’s currently re-flashing just fine. Although strangely in both of those instances, STM Bootloader didn’t show up in Dev. Mgr. still, but you did say not to necessarily go by that.


Now it’s re-flashing totally fine on 6.5… WHATTT… I’m literally typing this in real time as it is all happening… Let me go back and try the one I don’t want to tear down and see if I can get that one to flash…


I have absolutely zero idea what I did differently or changed or what happened here… Final test is gonna be to try one of those weird Tritium boards…

Tritium boards are still being goofy, but I will post that in another thread.

Looking back at everything I did here step by step… Does anything jump out at you as my solve? I’d hate to have put you through this and not have a definitive solution to be able to offer the community. Unbelievable!!!

Unfortunately, when the problem just seems to solve itself, it means that the problem could be anything. It could be something you did, something your computer did, bad cable, cosmic radiation or aliens, there is no way to know without further testing.

Is there anything you’d recommend that I test to hopefully get you an answer? It’s gonna eat me alive haha

I would focus on the boards that are acting weird.
Most likely, if we can figure out what’s causing that, we’ll be one step closer to figure out what’s going on in general as well.

Roger roger. I’m going to try one or two things and if it doesn’t work I’ll get a new thread going for you.

{referring to the sound} haha yeah mine has done that its your usb cord /data cable i just turned the sound off then when it uploaded it worked fine i managed to end the program but forgot how then it did it one more time.