Wiring question with a rotary pcb

Hey all! Wanted to see if this diagram would work for 3.9 proffie. I typically run a single wire from rotary pcb Positive, split to kill switch and battery positive, then Killswitch to board. I wanted to ask:

  1. Does it work if I use a wire from Rotary Pcb Positive to Killswitch, and a wire from another Positive pad on the same (trace? Channel?) on the rotary pcb to Battery positive?

  2. Does the diagram create any quirks with on board charging via USB-C?

  3. Would it create any quirks when chassis is removed or would it still act as if both positive wires are technically one?


So long as you turn on the kill-switch (and barring any of the below-described oddities), no.

That depends on what connector you are using, but with all of them that I’ve seen the answer is yes, since the different pads are internally bridged/connected.

Same as above, assuming the above is true.

I believe the pads are connected. It’s smugglers rotary pcb. Was decently certain it’d be alright but never hurts to double check lol.

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