What have I done?

My very first dive into this pool. Proffie 2.2. Received a CC Saber OWK4 Carbon. But it had some weird blade styles on it, so I figured I would go back to factory styles. Downloaded the 2.2 config from CCSabers site. Used 89blue.h. After some struggle I finally got the OS program to compile. Uploaded it. It said 100%, so I powered down, unplugged the core. Tried to power back up….and nothing. No lights, no power, cannot communicate via USB at all. Did I brick it?

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Hopefully not :slight_smile: Sound like checking power supply (your battery)
Would be a start.

Do you see any loose wires?

Is your battery charged? A short can trip the protection circuit and it will seem dead. Some auto reset, some need to be recharged.

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Also see:

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It did show up and was talking. But now that the board seems to have lost power it doesn’t appear in devices or communicate.

I let the battery sit for 30 mins. No change. I will try throwing it in the recharger and see what happens tonight.

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I’ve had similar issues with bad configs. you can force-update by triggering the STM bootloader using the reset buttons on the proffieboard even though it will not show as a connected port. This has happened to me when it didn’t like my blade count, max leds, or whenever I try to use null blades to fill the blade array.

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Try this:


Thank you everyone for all the help! Bad programming it was. Flashed a Proffie 2.2 with 3.xx .Flashing it with 2.xx fixed the issue. Thanks again!

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That is the one I wanted to post above.

Stupid me! Sorry @0ldjarhead

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