What are boot.wav files used for?

Hello all! First timer here. Just got my saber yesterday and was messing around and learning the setup/watching videos. I noticed that a lot of the sound font files have a boot folder with quotes/sounds but these never seem to active when I use them.

Super basic question so sorry about that. Just wondering what these are used for/how to use them? Thanks!

a boot sound plays when you first turn on the power. (come out of idle, put battery in, etc).

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Oh okay, thank you! Why then do each of the sound font folders have a boot file with multiple boot sounds?

I’ve seen some video demos where there is some quote before/while the saber is going out. I was hoping these would play right before. Is there any way to do this on proffie?

Generally, when there is multiple files (in the same font) ProffieOS will choose one randomly.
Sounds played before “out” is generally called “preon”.

This page will tell you more about how sound fonts are organized: