USB workbench difficulties

I am trying to set up a new Saber, and I connect my Proffie board to my computer with a know-working data cable. I open the USB workbench, and nothing happens; the board is showing up on serial monitor, so I go to another computer, and it works, the same cable and everything. Does anyone know why it works on one computer but not the other? Note that I have been able to use USB workbench on the first computer numerous times without any problems until now.

I am having the same problem when trying to set up a new Saber, after programing the board is showing up on serial monitor and functions just fine , so I go to another computer, and it works, the same cable and everything.and when I connect my Proffie board to my computer with a know-working data cable. I open the USB workbench, and nothing happens; Does anyone know why it works on one computer but not the other? Note that I have been able to use USB workbench on the both computers numerous times without any problems until now. and the workbench is still functioning just fine with other boards and sabers that i have, my main computer is win11 and the other one is win 10 both are up to date,

You guys are going to need to explain “nothing happens”. Like, what is the step by step sequence of what you are experiencing?

You go to this webpage, right?

Then you choose the big USB button, yes?
Then you get a popup listing the Proffieboard? Or is that where nothing happens?
Do you get the Popup, choose the board and hit connect?

After I program the board and it is sucessful. Then I open the USB workbech and select USB button and select the Proffie and click on connect the first time and then nothing, the workbench page never opens and yes this page Every time after that when selecting USB button the selectiong choice never opens. Then I have tried removeing the app and reinstalling it, clearing usb data from the setting page and disconnecting the proffieboard and reconnecting it with the same result, during this i have tried a different light saber and it will work just fine.

Sounds like you didn’t set Tools > USB Type to support “WebUSB” on the saber. Make the update and upload to the saber and try again?

See here:

I did, and I can access the workbench on a different computer, but on my normal computer i can not. Also with diffent V2.2 proffieboards it works just like it should.

Did you try holding shift and refreshing the page to wipe the cache?
Did you try different browser like Google Chrome?

Yes. and yes I am using google chrome and my laptop is running on Win 11 if that makes any difference

Time to check the developer console for errors.

  1. go to the proffieos workbench page.
  2. Go to the triple-dot menu → more tools → developer tools.
  3. check for errors in the developer console and paste them here whatever they are…

This is the only error that I could find

app.html:1343 Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: Failed to execute ‘claimInterface’ on ‘USBDevice’: The device was disconnected.

That might be the problem.
Although, I’m not sure what it means. It’s a very generic error message.

I have two proffie boards that are doing the same thing, I tried multiple known good data cables witn no difference but serial monitor works even when workbench will not and when using a different computer running on windows10 workbench works just fine, could their be some sort of issue with the USB socket on the proffie boards

Physical communication problems would affect all USB communication, including the serial monitor and programming the board. If those things works, then it USB communication is working.

If USB communication is working, but webusb is not, then it’s a software problem. Software problems include (but are not limited to):

  • driver problems on the computer
  • using zadig wrong (another type of driver problem)
  • bugs in ProffieOS
  • corrupt sd cards
  • some error occuring while the computer is trying to mount the sd card (several people have said the webusb works better without mass storage.)
  • Programming the proffieboard without webusb support
  • Browser issues
  • Windows

I am now getting this error message: Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: Failed to execute ‘open’ on ‘USBDevice’: Access denied.
I am currently running Linux, Ubuntu Ultimate edition 7.1 if that makes a difference, however, I get the same error while on Windows 10
the board that I am currently using is made by Tritium, and the is the same on 2 different boards.[quote=“RaceBird, post:14, topic:3794, full:true”]

I found this issue not sure if this is my problem or not

  1. Page layout may be unexpected due to Quirks Mode

  2. One or more documents in this page is in Quirks Mode, which will render the affected document(s) with quirks incompatible with the current HTML and CSS specifications.

Quirks Mode exists mostly due to historical reasons. If this is not intentional, you can add or modify the DOCTYPE to be <!DOCTYPE html> to render the page in No Quirks Mode.

1. 1 element

  1. |Document in the DOM tree|Mode|URL|

| — | — | — |
|document|Quirks Mode||

    • Learn more: Document compatibility mode

Found that if I delete proffieboard from the printers and devices page it would show up in about a minute. Apparently it was caused by installing the proffie-dfu-setup on the computer more than once. After deleting the proffieboard from printers and devices the web-usb page worked flawessly and reprograming the board works flawlessly also everytime. Sometimes the best way to learn is by making mistakes.

We have solved the issue, thank you, everyone, for your help.

May need some udev rules to gain permission to use the device.

Is this tester able to connect?

Quirks mode should only affect layout, I don’t think it should affect WebUSB at all.