Upload issues with DFU and Zadig

Hello. I am a new user having trouble uploading config to my proffieboard. I followed all the steps on Fett’s website and it looks like the config is correct in arduino. The sketch got verified. Problem is when I plug the proffie into my computer it doesn’t show up in any ports. I’ve installed and run DFU numerous times on my computer and restarted my computer after installing the drivers. I also did the same with Zadig once DFU didn’t work. That didn’t work either. I’ve tried multiple, multiple times to do Boot + Reset. I’m sure I’ve toggled the reset while holding the boot button several times. I never heard any sound from my computer and the STM 32 bootloader never showed as one of the devices on zadig. The cable I’m using is listed as data transfer and 480mbps from amazon.

What am I doing wrong? Kinda at a standstill here so any help would be appreciated!

First of all, I recommend checking the troubleshooting section of the POD:

There are several articles that might apply.

Maybe start with this one:

Second, are you actually sure the cable is working?
Try a different cable.

No idea what happened but I restarted my computer once more and it worked! Heard the beep when I plugged in the proffieboard and there it was in the port on arduino. Got it uploaded to the board and everything seems to be working. Thanks for the guidance!

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