In short I am trying to download the Proffieboard in Arduino and I get this error message.
Error downloading
I would love to learn how to fix this. Thank you in advance.
If you put in the Additional Boards URL in Preferences:
Then it should download fine.
Sometimes just quitting and restarting Arduino helps.
I appreciate helping, I had tried the what you had described even as much as readding the Additional Boards URL. Sadly, I am getting the same error code.
You could try deleting the Arduino15 folder completely then installing.
Open Arduino>Preferences.
Under the URL there’s a link to the Arduino15/preferences.txt file.
Use that to go and find that Arduino15 folder.
Once located, quit Arduino.
Delete the whole Arduino15 folder.
Then re-open Arduino and try the plug-in install again.
What version of Arduino do you have?
I wound up just reinstalling the whole thing just to be sure and I was able to download it just fine.
Thank you for your help it did give me some insight.
I have been using the older version of 1.8.3.
That is very old.
I suggest at least upgrading to 1.8.19 at the very least.
Soon, new versions of the arduino-proffieboard plugin will require the 2.x versions of arduino to download though, so it might be better to start using that now. (2.x was pretty bad in the beginning, but nowadays it tends to work quite well, even if the UI is still a bit confusing.)
By this, you mean using the automated install process in Arduino, right? It should still be possible to manually place files though if sticking with a tried and true 1.8.19 version, yes?
That is really good to know thank you for that. It has been a while since I had done this so I was just going back to what I knew. Programming this boad been so different than the last.
That is correct.
You can also use 2.x to install the arduino-proffieboard plugin and then use 1.8.19 to do the actual compilation. I think you can have both 1.x and 2.x installed at the same time on all platforms.