Trying to create a dogger blue pulse glow effect

As my tittle says , i am trying to make it , i dont kow if its possible maybe not
i got this
// Glow and Pulse Layer
Pulse<SmoothStep<Int<2000>, Int<4000>>, // Smooth pulse effect
Int<1500>, // Pulse duration (1.5 seconds)
Int<0>>>, // No delay between pulses
// Ignition and Retraction Effects
TransitionEffectL<TrConcat<TrWipe<300>, Black, TrInstant>, TrWipeIn<800>>,
// Clash and Lockup Layers
LockupTrL<Layers<AlphaL<White, Int<16000>>, AlphaL<Red, Int<8000>>>, TrInstant, TrFade<300>>,
Clashes<White, Int<15000>, Int<200>>


but is not working hahaha :slight_smile:

There is no such thing as a Pulse<> style template.

There is one called Pulsing<>, and one called PulsingL<> (layer), which is probably what you want, note that they take different arguments than the ones you have provided.

ah , thank you , i think i got it .