TrDoEffect. Not really TrConcat behavior

I guess I had always assumed, based on what it looks like, the TrDoEffect performed the transition, THEN triggered the effect. While finally using it a little bit now I see that’s not the case and just want to confim that the intended behavior is having the transition happen simultaneously as the triggering of the EFFECT, similar to how a TrJoin would do?
If that’s the case, then it’s working as intended.
And now that I look at the usage comments it does indeed say “Runs the specified TRANSITION and triggers EFFECT”, with “AND” being the key word. It doesn’t say “THEN triggers EFFECT”

TrDoEffect triggers the effect and the transition at the same time.

More technically: Triggering an effect takes no time, but any result of that effect will run in parallel with the transition.


Thanks. Working as intended.