Transparent display

I found this on the web this morning and wondered if it could be used with proffie?
Not sure of how to wire it up though.

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It should be possible.

The board looks to be made for SPI.
The chip can also use I2C, but I’m not sure if it’s possible to do with that particular controller board or not.

Using SPI on a V2 board is a little awkward, because you need to hook it up to pins 17, 22 and 23 (Data4, Button2 and Button3). If you need more buttons, you can hook them up to RX, TX or one of the other data pads. I tried to make this easier on the V3 board.

Once it’s hooked up, we also need to write a driver for it. This is mostly a matter copying the existing display driver, replace the I2C code with SPI code and then updating the control codes from the data sheet (or maybe from the u8 library).

Simple, right?

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If your thinking about using this for a blaster scope display, 1. Genius! and 2. I wanted something like this, but I went the HUD direction. This has the advantage of using the existing technology that Proffie is already compatible with, and you get to keep the see-through of the scope complete with display graphics.

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i was hoping it would be a bit more simple than what you posted up :rofl: but you are the man for the job :grinning:
maybe if we could find something that would work with what we use already for the oled displays would be a better option.
there are a few different displays like the one i posted up on offer.
is there a certain protocol i should be looking for for ease of use?

ha ha thank you! i was thinking something along those lines yes.
but also you could use it for a HUD, like in an iron man helmet!

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If the display uses I2C and an SSD1306 chip, it should just work.
I’m not how similar/different the SSD1309 chip is, but using SPI will at least require some work to make it work.

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This one says that it can use the I2C protocol but not sure what chip set it has. Didnt see it listed.

Not really to do with what we do here but I thought it was super cool and sort of relevant as he uses the screen from the first link.

Since it’s s sparkfun product, why not look it up on the sparkfun page:

QWIIC is just another name for I2C, so that makes the transport easy.
It’s still an SSD1309 chip rather than an SSD1306 chip. I’m not sure how much of
a difference that makes though. It might be entirely trivial, or it might not be.