Track play while pointing down, using Fett263 prop?

The goal is to be able to turn tracks on and off with the blade pointed down or close to down, since it’s a cane and not a saber and that’s a natural position. My wife really would like it, so I’m reading up.

I’ve tried reversing the board orientation, but that didn’t do it because is ruined the stab on. Tapping the cane on the floor to activate is too cool to give up.

Reading the POD on prop controls, I see that they can be moved around. But I know Fett263’s prop is very complicated and it’s easy to create a cascade of problems. It is intimidating to see how complex it is! Also orientation as well as button actions adds a layer.

Can I change a long pow button press pointed straight up (track on/off while saber on), to long aux press pointed down as track on/off?

Other suggestions?

Just don’t have a ‘/tracks’ folder in your font or common and the Track Player is disabled and only your default track will play :wink:

Just set your default track in the root or a different folder, my prop looks for /tracks folder contents to determine if Track Player should run or not.

You’ll probably want to use this define, the Track Player will loop your default track when it can’t find a /tracks folder so this will disable the “Loop” prompt.

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Doesn’t look like there’s anything else assigned to long click POW when on and pointing down?
@Fett263 couldn’t he retain the multiple track player option and just flip stop/start control to pointing down, and keep CheckQuote() as is? like

        if (menu_ || CancelShowColor()) return true;
        if (fusor.angle1() > -M_PI / 4) {
          if (track_player_) {
          } else {
          return true;
        } else if (fusor.angle1() > M_PI / 3) {
        return true;
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I didn’t take his request as while ON. If he wants to modify the control while ON then sure, I suppose it shouldn’t break anything.

I was thinking of doing this with the saber on at first. Fett’s original solution worked well and prevented accidental track player activation. The buttons turned out to be kind of squishy and little harder to use than a clickier tactile, so lots of accidental track mode activation was happening. But it did feel like I was losing something.

I’m not doubting the A team, but that event doesn’t alternate btw quote/track?

I’m thinking of this in the manual at the top of the prop file:

 NEW! Force/Quote = Long Click PWR (parallel or down)
    If quotes exist in current font pointing straight down will toggle between Force/Quote and play
    *Quotes play sequentially 1,2,3...

That’s why I thought it might work well with a long click on aux pointing down, since I don’t need multiblast, or maybe that option breaks something?

Would that look like:

        if (menu_ || CancelShowColor()) return true;
        if (fusor.angle1() > -M_PI / 4) {
          if (track_player_) {
          } else {
          return true;
        } else if (fusor.angle1() > M_PI / 3) {
        return true;

I’m into trying everything to see what really works well. Where in the prop do these events get placed? Does it matter?

Thank you!

NoSloppy’s recommendation is changing the existing behavior, you wouldn’t add anything. You’ll find the existing case:


Then flip the

if (fusor.angle1() > -M_PI / 4) {


if (fusor.angle1() > M_PI / 3) {

within it. Just replace the first if(…) with the second if(…) and then the second if(…) with the first.

This will “flip” the related behaviors (more or less). Of course you’ll need to test and/or troubleshoot the changes but should ok if done correctly.

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