Ok, so this topic isn’t about microphones, which are their own special kind of mystery, it’s about microphone boom arms. You know, that thing that holds the microphone while you’re recording stuff for youtube.
There are a million of these, and they all look mostly like the one I have:
At $23, it’s primary virtui is that it is cheap.
It has worked well for me, but I have new L-shaped desk, and there isn’t a convenient place to mount it anymore, at least not anywhere where I want it to be mounted all the time. Also, the springs on this thing tends to sing a bit if you bump into the microphone.
What I really want is a microphone arm that will attach to the back of my desk, reach all the way over my very tall monitor, and then hangs down above my head, and which can also be just moved away when I don’t need it. I’ve looked, and there are some available options that might work, but what really irks me is that I saw one in a video that seemed really nice, and I cannot for the life of me find it, or the video anymore.
The micrphone arm I saw was a fairly major contraption. I didn’t see what it was mounted to, but the arm looked like it was a good 4-feet long, and it looked it was made of a rectangular section of aluminum, or maybe a reinforced plastic. It’s possible the reason I can’t find it is because it wasn’t meant to be a microphone arm orginally? Anyways, I don’t think I’m doing a great job describing it, and since a picture says more than a thousand words, here is a picture of what I remember it looking like:
Please excuse the crudity of this model. I didn’t have time to build it to scale or paint it.
Does anybody know where to find something like this?