Teensy 4.0 build for kids

Aha! I made them as short as possible and voila!


Ok, here is the “EDIT” link tot he doc I am going to put together as the lab guide. Ill remove the link once done, and of course provide a read only link on the site:

EDIT link: Building your own Light Saber with a Teensy - Google Docs


Very cool!
One thing to be aware of is back-feeding USB power through the USB data link. It can potentially be bad for the computer that it’s hooked up to.

Possible solutions:

  1. cut the vin-vusb pads apart on the bottom of the teensy.
    pros: simple to do
    cons: the teensy can’t be used without external power anymore
  2. use a single powered USB hub for both the “external power” and the teensy USB connection. This makes sure that ground and 5v are at the same level, so back-feeding will not be harmful.
    pros: also protects the computer from shorts and similar.
    cons: costs a little extra

Or both.

Yeah I have a video posted just on that.

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