So like the title says, I feel like I’m going crazy. I finally got everything wired up in my Warsabers Revanted. And the first time I try to hit the Killswitch nothing happened. I had to loosen the chassis from the crystal chamber and adjust some of the wires and now everything turned on I moved some of the positive battery tab wires around if anybody’s installed before they know there is zero room in the saber. But my issue started when I try to activate the saver, my power and my auxiliary switches weren’t working. I thought you know maybe something got pinched or moved or shorted, my multimeter battery died so couldn’t check for shorts so I thought my next best option was to hook it up to Arduino check out the cereal monitor and lo and behold. When I plugged it in I got my boot and everything and I hit my switch and turned on! I can’t get any blaster effects from my auxiliary switch, but when I deactivate the saver and go to switch a font, it changes. So I don’t know what could be the problem. I thought it was a wiring issue but seeing what it did on the serial monitor working, it’ll activate the saver. It’ll change the font it’ll go into the sound volume and menu. I can’t turn off/deactivate. Could it be something in my config?
If nothing works without USB connected, then I would guess that you have a faulty D61 diode.
The AUX button not doing what you want might be because you are using a different prop file than you’re used to?
Using Fett263s prop and I’ve only been able to change font or access menu but can’t use blaster block. But what is the diode you speak of? And is there a way to fix it?
It’s a bit fiddly, but replacing D61 is definitely possible.
More information here:
At the risk of sounding stupid which component on the part map is it I don’t see a #7 which is what it was listed under on the BOM and is it possible without a hot air station? I mean it’s a real bummer because literally everything else works great except this two switches. I guess I could get a new board since everything is wired already but that’s about a months wait for me now if I choose that route.
But if it’s possible to do without a hot air station I will definitely do it
The link above should highlight D61 in yellow. It’s not particularly big, so it’s possible to miss.
It is possible to replace without a hot air station, but you need a good pointy soldering iron, liquid flux, magnification and some patience.
I don’t suppose you still have some warranty on the board, that might be easier?
Not sure if there is a warranty. I purchased it from Saberbay so I will get into contact with them tomorrow. I appreciate all the help! Btw it’s awsome to see my first install come to life aside from the switch issue. Just seeing and hearing it work is a great feeling and thanks to everyone who’s help me out
Umm sorry to for wasting time here… and thank you for taking time to help me @profezzorn figured out the problem… and that is im an idiot I had wired my common switch ground to the 5.5v…I dont know how I did (Possibly beiung up at 3-4am working on this after being up all day) but im glad it didnt do permanent damage to the board Thanks again and sorry for the trouble