SubBladeReverse vs SubBladeZZ

I was looking into updating my quad zig zag staff to OS7 and have a new one one the bench and noticed a lack of SubBladeReverse on the POD page.

Should I learn to use SubBladeZZ instead, treating the blade as a 4X35 grid?

Here’s the original (generously written by Profezzorn after a lot of help):

BladeConfig blades[] = {
{ 0,
  // first quad-zigzag blade  
  SubBlade(0, 34, WS281XBladePtr<140, bladePin, Color8::GRB, PowerPINS<bladePowerPin2, bladePowerPin3> >()),
  SubBladeReverse(35, 69, NULL),
  SubBlade(70, 104, NULL),
  SubBladeReverse(105, 139, NULL),

  // second quad-zigzag blade
  SubBlade(0, 34, WS281XBladePtr<140, blade2Pin, Color8::GRB, PowerPINS<bladePowerPin4, bladePowerPin5> >()),
  SubBladeReverse(35, 69, NULL),
  SubBlade(70, 104, NULL),
  SubBladeReverse(105, 139, NULL),

  CONFIGARRAY(presets) },

I do see now that SubBladeReverse has its own page here:

No, SubBladeZZ is meant to go the other way.

SuBladeZZ is meant to be used when you want to address one column of a grid, but each row in that grid has the data traveling in the opposite direction compared to the previous row.

So, if you wanted to make 35 4-pixel blades instead of 4 35-pixel blades, then you would need to use SubBladeZZ.

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