Specific quote selection

Hello. I apologize in advance if this is covered somewhere. I searched through several threads on quote and force sounds, but I still have a question. I would like to use a special ability to play a specific quote when the saber is ignited and use another special ability to play a specific quote when the saber is not ignited. Since I will have more than one quote sound, I don’t want to just play them sequentially or randomly. I thought maybe created a quote group for when the saber is ignited and another quote group when the saber is not ignited.

I thought my SD file structure might look like this:

Is this correct? Is there a better way to do this?

Thank you.

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My style library should provide the supported/required sounds in the style information section when you select the Special Abilities.

For more information on sub-sub sounds see here:

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Thank you for the reply. That is good information. So, I would then construct my SD like this:
Also, in the style library, I assume I would select in the special abilities, “Play Quote Group #” and then set the selections as 1 and 2, respectively.

Thank you.

Use 0 and 1, the sequence starts with 0.

Thank you. That worked perfectly.

You’re welcome. Glad to hear.