I am not sure if my questions belong here or in another categories ?
As I understood, a preset should look like this:
{ "FontFolder;common", "tracks/title_name.wav",
"name to be displayed on oled screen"
My questions are:
- can “FontFolder” be with capital letters ?
- can “FontFolder” be a sub-folder like “FontMaker/FontFolder” ?
- does “common” has to be named “common” ?
- can “common” be a sub-folder like “VoicePack/DarthVader” for font1 & “VoicePack/Ashoka” for font2 ?
- can I have more than 1 “track folder”, for example “tracks/” as my default & “fontxyz/tracks/” for “fontxyz” & does it have to be called tracks ?
- I was led to believe by some YouTube videos that track files needed to be called “trackNumberX.wav” or could they also be called “ACDC_Thunderstuck.wav” for example ? I do understand I need to try and keep the names short to save on memory.
- I recently downloaded many free sound fonts, some have “*.ini” files in them. What should I do with the different *.ini files ? Keep/delete ?
- Is there a way to make sure a sound font is a Proffie “format” font ?
- “name to be displayed on oled screen”, is this necessary ? If I don’t have an OLED screen, do I use “” or may I leave it empty (and remove the last “,” comma from the last blade style.
- What will happen if there is a " " space in a folder name or track file name ? I try to avoid them, but I might miss one.
- Do tracks names need to have “.wav” extention (I know Proffie only uses .wav files but could I use “tracks/ACDCthun” or does it has to be “tracks/ACDCthun.wav” ?
- About
, I would like to put a few Fett263 styles in here to keep my presets a bit clearer but I do not know how. And for info when I tried to add the provided example on
ProffieOS Documentation: The CONFIG_STYLES section
I got a compile error: “error: ‘InOutHelperX’ does not name a type”
I have a strong suspicion that for questions 1 to 6, I can probably do whatever I want as long as everything is named & “pathed” correctly as per the folders on my SD-card while respecting the caps/no-caps. But is there something I shouldn’t do (like using special characters, are “-” dash and “_” underscore allowed in the names)
Thank you for reading this far.