Serial Monitor Question

So I’ve never used the serial monitor function after uploading my config but decided to try it the day before yesterday. My question is; Is it normal for it to say “Hum:no sound found” ? It’s on my sound font on the SD card and works when I preview it on my laptop. But when I go to the serial monitor it’s not showing up. Everything else shows up on,off, clash Ect.

If your prop is a blaster, or something which might not have a “background sound”, then it’s normal.
If your prop is a saber, then no, that’s not normal.

Yes it is a saber. Not sure what the problem is. Like I said everything compiled so not sure what the problem would be any ideas? Do you need the config?

The config probably doesn’t matter, it’s more about the contents of the font directory.
Does it have a hum file?
Does the name match what is in the config file?
Try the “pwd” and “effects” command in the serial monitor to see what files ProffieOS found.

WilCo. As soon as I get home it’ll be tested. And yes as far as I remember font name and directory match but of course I will double check. And it does contain a hum.wav and it is not in a separate folder within the font.

Alright thanks for the help Prof! I double checked and seen my config had an ” _ “ in between some of my directory names and not on the SD :person_facepalming: smh thanks again