SD Card Not Found Mystery

Ok, make a copy of that config and remove these defines and try.


If still get an error try replacing all styles with:


If either or both work we’ll try adding back one at a time.

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Believe me or not, it makes no difference. I did as you told, including test with “red only”. And 2nd try I also tried to comment out the fett prop file. 2-6 times no boot, or No SD-Card found. then normal boot, activation - function. reflash to 5.9 - all perfect.

Now I did it as minimal as I could:

#include “proffieboard_v2_config.h”
#define NUM_BLADES 5
#define NUM_BUTTONS 2
#define VOLUME 1000
const unsigned int maxLedsPerStrip = 144;
#define ENABLE_WS2811
#define ENABLE_SD
//#define ENABLE_SSD1306
//#define FETT263_TWIST_OFF
//#define MOTION_TIMEOUT 60 * 15 * 1000
//#define IDLE_OFF_TIME 60 * 10 * 1000


//#ifdef CONFIG_PROP
//#include “…/props/saber_fett263_buttons.h”

Preset presets[] = {
{ “hand;common”, “common/tracks/The_Force.wav”,
“emporers girl”},
{ “light;common”, “common/tracks/The_Force.wav”,
“mara jade”},
{ “dark;common”, “common/tracks/The_Force.wav”,
BladeConfig blades[] = {
{ 0, WS281XBladePtr<144, bladePin, Color8::GRB, PowerPINS<bladePowerPin2, bladePowerPin3> >(),
WS281XBladePtr<1, blade2Pin, Color8::GRB, PowerPINS >(), //Kristall
// WS281XBladePtr<2, blade3Pin, Color8::GRB, PowerPINS >(), //funktion
SubBlade(0, 0, WS281XBladePtr<2, blade3Pin, Color8::GRB, PowerPINS >()),
SubBlade(1, 1, NULL),
SimpleBladePtr<CH3LED, NoLED, NoLED, NoLED, bladePowerPin6, -1, -1, -1>(), //Bluetooth
CONFIGARRAY(presets) },


Button PowerButton(BUTTON_POWER, powerButtonPin, “pow”);
Button AuxButton(BUTTON_AUX, auxPin, “aux”);

SAME! (I give up…)

Ok, but OS5 config in OS6 doesn’t have issue? That’s really odd in that case. Let’s use the OS5 config in OS6 then and try adding to it instead. First confirm that the OS5 config works, then add one define from your OS6 config at a time until the OS5 config triggers it.

OK, I am flashing the original 5 config with OS6 now. Sec…

Sigh. The SAME 5.x config in OS6 does - the same … I have the issue.

Didn’t it work before?

Only in 5.x - Never under OS6. The moment I switch to 6 everything breaks.


The 5.x configuration is working fine under OS5.9.
The 5.x configuration is NOT working under OS6.7

A new 6.x configuration is NOT working under 6.7
A minimal configuration is not working under 6.7

Every 5-8 boot/reset actions
silent boot loop without audio
“SD-Card notfound / Art directoyr not found”
Perfect boot, all functions

Tested up to 6 SD-Cards (All cards work in other sabers)

Ok, thanks.

@profezzorn were there any changes in initial reading of SD and/or is there a way to delay the “unable to Mount SD”? It doesn’t appear to be a feature or prop that’s causing and it’s only specific boards. Maybe there’s something that changed elsewhere in the OS that if certain SD readers are slower to start up or return a result it’s timing out. I’m not sure what though, need your expertise, but my guess is certain boards or SD cards are taking longer to read or get mounted and it’s causing the error. I’m thinking if we can delay that error triggering it may resolve.


@Fett263 THANK YOU! so much for your patience and testing with me! And @profezzorn I hope for a fix, if there is something fixable! (Maybe the chip crisis changed parts of current runs??)


I did get the SD Not Found. Also peculiar, when I removed those two defines and reuploaded again, it still gave me an SD Not Found (OS5 Config with OS6). But then a second try yielded no error message. So I tried repeatedly. Got the SD Not Found message one in every 5 uploads (ten tries). Tried OS5 Config with OS5, no issues for same amount of tries.

Removing DISABLE_DIAG yields this (and for brevity this is occuring with OS6 config on OS6, OS5 config on OS6):

17:15:13.618 → No sdcard found.
17:15:13.618 → Failed to mount SD card.
17:15:13.618 → Failed to mount SD card.
17:15:13.618 → blade= 0
17:15:13.618 → WS2811 Blade with 146 leds.
17:15:13.618 → Simple Blade
17:15:13.618 → Failed to mount SD card.
17:15:13.618 → Failed to mount SD card.
17:15:13.618 → Failed to mount SD card.
17:15:13.618 → Failed to mount SD card.
17:15:13.618 → Failed to open: presets.ini
17:15:13.618 → Failed to open: presets.tmp
17:15:14.618 → Failed to mount SD card.
17:15:14.618 → Failed to mount SD card.
17:15:14.618 → Failed to mount SD card.
17:15:14.718 → Failed to mount SD card.
17:15:14.718 → Activating polyphonic font.

Shortening the sdtest results:

Time to open files: Average time: 1320.08 us
Time to read blocks: Average speed: 1286.18 kb/s, 14.82 simultaneous audio streams.

The SD Card used and bought from Best Buy

Edit: And going through the steps that @David_Wagner did, I have the same output.

BT909 can draw a fair amount of power from the 3.3v rail, which could affect the SD card…

Thanks are due all around for taking the time to try to narrow down this problem. Unfortunately I’m going to have to ask for a little bit more time to narrow this down.

We saw some people earlier saying that this problem was not present in ProffieOS 6.3. Could you try that and see if it has the problem or not? If it does, maybe try 6.1? Or, I can dig up some versions from github for you to try. If we can establish when the problem started, it should be easy to fix.

On the other hand, if 6.3 works fine, we need to try 6.4, 6.5 etc. to see where it stopped working.

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I don’t think there are any changes that are directly relevant, but there may be a timing change or a buffer overflow causing this, which would cause this indirectly.

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I will check and test 6.1 upwards asap. And I try to cut the BT, just to be sure.

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I spoke with Fett on discord and he asked me to try some things and im here to report back.

Reformatted SD card, uploaded a barebones OS5 config via OS6.5 ProffieOS. 3/3 successful boots.
os5 config - (config used)

then i added some accent and 1 blade style from OS5, (accents are from os6 tool) added accent and blade styles -

3/3 successful boots again

So what happened?

seems to be working properly now. Are there any defines or specific stuff y’all want me to add to test?

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*This may or may not be late to the game as far as an idea and I’m HEAVILY spitballing here.

Have we considered if using a different SD storage level may help?

What is an SD storage level?