i recently purchased a sabertrio senza with a proffie 3.9 power core. i formatted the sd card and created a new config. when plugging in my saber i the stm bootloader isnt there. so i downloaded zadig to update the saber. that didnt work. i have watched the video from sabertrio on how to reboot the saber. the issue im having is finding the reset button. the holes are very small (behind the battery). i can clearly feel the boot button but cant feel the reset button. i cant seem to reset the saber and instead just get an error message when trying to do it (since all im pressing is the boot button and cant seem to press the reset button) any suggestions?
Normally you never have to do any of that.
Just run proffie-dfu-setup.exe, and hit upload in arduino.
If that doesn’t work, then you do need to figure out the reset button stuff, and that can indeed be tricky if the chassis is difficult.
Ok I’ll give that a try and report back. Thanks.
ok i ran proffie-dfu and that didnt do anything. my saber still isnt recognized usb (no stm shown in devices). im at a loss. i dont want to open the power core and chance breaking a seal and void the warranty but the board is not easily accessible at all. i still cant put the board in bootloader mode
I’m not sure why you think it should show up as “STM32 BOOTLOADER”. If the board is working, it should show up as a “Proffieboard” with a serial port. You select that serial port in arduino → tools → port and hit upload, and poof, it’s uploaded.
Now if nothing shows up, and the board is otherwise working, I would probably recommend trying a different cable. Bad cables is one of the most common reasons why USB doesn’t work properly.
i understand what you are saying and no it isnt working. i tried to upload and it says cannot open dfu device. i tried to run zadig and it cant find the stm32 bootloader. i reached out to sabertrio for further guidance. after looking at other proffieboards that i have i noticed that i can only see the boot button (gold) when shining a light in the board. i dont see a gold button when looking at where the reset button should be. when ive tried to flash the board, aside from getting cannot open dfu i also get audio directory not found
Ok, so maybe you’re on the right track, because this usually means that you need to run proffie-dfu-setup.exe or zadig. However, if proffie-dfu-setup.exe doesn’t work, I don’t think running zadig will work either, they do basically the same thing.
However, you don’t have to use the reset button to get into bootloader mode. Normally, Arduino signals the board to go into bootloader mode when you hit upload. Even if it doesn’t show up on your computer, the board will still be in bootloader mode. (Assuming you picked the right port in Arduino → Tools → Port.) So after the 10-count, the board should be in bootloader mode and you can run zadig to find it and see what driver is connected to it. If you have some wonky drivers on your computer, it’s possible that the board shows up as something else…
Another way to get into bootloader mode is to bring up the serial monitor and type in RebootDFU
and press enter, again, this requires right right serial port to work.
ill what you have suggested.
thank you! that worked!