Sabers Live on Video

I went to see some friends at my old dojo near Times Square and we shot a couple saber vids. The laughter and BSing is cut out so it looks more demo-ish.

Here’s the 6th of 7 routines that were invented in the 1960s/70s by Morihei Saito called “Ken (sword) Awase (timing drill)”. With no clashes you get great swing sounds! (I’m in this one)

And here’s #4, in which the melt effect when I get stabbed was so perfect it drew a “HA!” from everyone. I mean, the effects are there for the dramaand it really came across!

Last, our instructor of the day is on the right realizing he needs a saber during a clackety drill swordy folks like. Although the banging plastic spoils the illusion a bit, the durability makes up for it.

Thanks for watching :slight_smile: