Ripped off Usb connector

no, alas. I may try with a fine tip solder.

Dude. It says ā€œAU $10.00ā€ā€¦?

EU OR UK plug, I need a AU plug.

Pretty sure if you can install lightsabers that you can hack off one plug and wire a different one on!

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itā€™s not the plug itā€™s that we use 240 v where they are rated for 230v the plug isnā€™t the issue.

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Ah. Didnā€™t realize the voltage difference. Sounds dangerous down under lol.


even our electricity is EXTRA!


Arenā€™t most things that are rated for 230 fine on 240? just how in the US a lot of our stuff (and actually even depending on the outlet you measure) is rated for ~110-120?

EDIT: This showed up as new for meā€¦ didnā€™t realize I necroā€™d itā€¦ mb.


thatā€™s cool, yes, but high powered things from the US will short a fuse (I did that with my brotherā€™s US rated iphone).

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Ah, I see.


Once you get it re-attached, Iā€™m told that carefully hot-gluing around three edges of the connector makes it more secure. Be sure to have a cable plugged in (and the battery out of the core) to the USB connector when hot gluing, else you could clog it up.

Also, I use a 90-degree cable that makes inserting less stressful on the connector.

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A lot of vendors nowadays use USB connectors with very tiny little ā€œearsā€ for holding the USB connector in place. I recommend buying a connector that has bigger ears, with a little hole in the middle. When soldered correctly (not cold soldering!), these bigger ā€œearsā€ will hold the USB connector in place quite securely.

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As an aside, Iā€™ve seen some micro-B connectors that have legs which go through the PCB (but donā€™t extend past the other side), and those have actually been the nicest micro-B connectors Iā€™ve ever interacted with. They feel super solid all around, theyā€™re all shiny and prettyā€¦ I need to find an actual part number for themā€¦

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I have seen those, and they would be nice.
I do worry that they would interfere with the SD card reader though, which is why I havenā€™t used them.


I bought replacement usb for mine, I just need the hot air rework station, I got the low temp alloy so yeah.

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I like to file down and round off the spring loaded teeth on the male end that make it difficult to pull out of the connector. Unless you plan on swinging it around like a madman (which would likely rip it off regardless) and think itā€™s going to fall out, filing them down works well to keep the stress low when removing. Just be sure to seriously blow out any filings that might get into the contacts.