Request for information on the wiring of the Pixel Ring Accent LED PCB


I’m at my second lightsaber. I bought the brand new Cal Kestis (Cal Ketis’s Lightsaber – Crossguard (Jedi Survivor)) from 2024. Having received the new saber, it turns out that inside there is a Pixel Ring Accent LED PCB which I have to wire for the first time. I did some research on the internet and managed to figure out how we could do it. But in doubt (and because I do not want to miss this jewelry :wink: ), I want to be sure and have the opinion of professional. So I ask you about the wiring of this Pixel Ring Accent LED PCB.

If you are going to wire a Pixel Ring Accent LED PCB on a proffieboard v.3.9 swordboard containing the following solder pads:

  • positive
  • negative
  • Data input
    -Data Output.

How will you do to wire it all on the soundboard? More precisely, on which solder pads of the soundboard will you connect those of the Pixel Accent LED PCB?

Should I buy another type of led and not use Pixel Ring Accent LED PCB or can I use it without problem ?

There are many options for wiring a pixel ring (along with a main blade). You could wire it to dedicated led and data pads on the board, or to the same same pads as the main blade and setup subblades in your config file.

You may want to wire it like the Proffieboard V3 configurator shows:

All right, I’ll do it. Thank you for your awser :slight_smile: .

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