Am I missing something with the preon and off jump to hyperspace options in OS7 blade styles? I can’t find them.
Looks like the Jump to Hyperspace wasn’t converted for OS7. I don’t recall exactly why, but I’ll see if I can get it added in the next update.
When I was first building the OS7 library I had to rewrite a lot of the scripts but some were more challenging than others so not everything was immediately added.
In the interim, the effect is in OS6 library.
my apologies i jump the gun there i thought u meant exit hyperspace, you could always get the code from os6 style library and paste it in via style editor. i do that with the summon lightning preon from the os5 archive
Thanks!! I built the style in OS6 and just pasted that in. Will that still work?
yes that should work fine im pretty sure they are backward compatible
This should now be active in the OS7 library as an option. You’ll need to refresh the page to get the updated options and scripts.
Awesome!! Thank you for all your hard work!!