That’s a bit confusing as i think that’s the message from the upper left part of the window that displays “some” messages, and it’s showing a hybrid of Battery and you playing track…
Regardless, I would highly suggest a better name for your track. Avoid spaces.
I am working with SA22C to adapt 1 button controls for Edit Mode and other new features in my prop. Once it’s done we’ll include in the testing.
I’ll take a look at this later today.
I think the file length limit is 128 characters.
Ok, I’ve checked in some code that cleans up how preon/postoff works a bit.
It also implements these features:
That means that your config.txt file in the font directory can now have new values of the form:
Where EFFECTNAME can be “preon”, “out”, “pstoff”, etc.
If paired is set to 1 AND the number of files in the next effect is the same as in the paired effect, then if you play preon17, it will follow that with out17.
The volume is perhaps a little more self-explanatory. It lets you set the volume for each effect individually, in percent. The default is 100. Setting it to 50 makes it half as loud. Setting it to 200 makes it twice as loud. Maximum allowed value is currently 255.
EFFECT_POSTOFF doesn’t change anything about sound playing, but it makes it possible to trigger blade effects based on the postoff playback.
I might have fixed the WavLen problem btw. I found and fixed a bug, but I haven’t had the time to try it yet.
Btw, the per-effect volume will probably not work for some effects, like hum, swing, swingl and swingh, because those effects get their volume adjusted continuously, and they need special code to read the effect volume. I might try to fix that later, but I don’t think it’s super important as those things already have variables for adjusting them.
Any chance you will be working on a define for plecter-like lockup control (hold aux)?
Not sure TBH, current plan is to adopt SA22C’s 1 button controls and add the new features to them. It depends how much rewriting would need to happen, a lot of controls are inter-related, especially a “held” button so changing one thing can have a cascading effect on other controls and a lot of work to fix and rearrange.
Once the 1 button parts are done I can take a look. If it’s not a ton of work, possibly, we’ll have to see.
One thing to note, this would probably conflict and negate the ClashImpact functions for lockup and you’d get very limited lockup effects in OS6 as the strength of the clash is now a factor in the Clash and Lockup effects. Without a clash to initiate the lockup the effects will carry the last clash which may not correspond to desired result. So something to consider as well.
within the TransitionEffectL
with non-specified effect for WavLen and it’s working correctly now. .
Nice, thanks for testing.
As your reward I have implemented Wavnum
Works like Wavlen, but returns the file number of the played file.
Should work well together with ColorSelect.
filler characters
Awesome potential! Haven’t tried yet, but curious about using in ColorSelect<>. (yes, this is 5 questions on paper, but not really)
The description mentions modulo pertaining to the number of colors. Could you clarify that please? That returns the remainder of the division, yes?
So if the file# is 4 (clash05) and there are 2 colors in the list, SELECTION would be zero, so which COLOR in the list would show?
If it’s sound file03 and there are 2 COLORs, COLOR1 would show?
And if the “First file returns 0, even if the file is called ‘clash1.wav’”, would Wavnum as the SELECTION % N cause a division by zero?
Postscript: Maybe we should have it as WavNum (capitalized N) for consistency with WavLen?
Hmm, WavNum might be better, will fix that.
Let’s say you have clash01.wav
to clash08.wav
If ProffieOS chooses clash05.wav, then WavNum will return 4.
(clash01 = 0, clash02 =1, clash03 = 2, clash04 =3, clash05 = 5)
If you use a ColorSelect<WavNum, COLORA, COLORB>
with two colors, then COLORA will be for 0, 2, 4, etc. And COLORB will be used for 1,3,5…
If your ColorSelect has the same number of colors as there are number of files, then it should line up so that COLORA is for clash01, COLORB is for clash02, COLORC is for clash03, etc.
A division by zero would occur if your ColorSelect<>
had zero choices.
Tonight is WavNum testing. Trying with 5 preon sounds in the font.
This layer:
error: 'WavNum' was not declared in this scope
I also tried WavNum<EFFECT_PREON>
no difference.
How about now?
Hmm. Actually still no.
Stop the presses. It must be me, sorry. It’s compiling.
Ok well seamless playback from preon->out is beautiful!
ColorSelect working well! More on that as I expand on the testing later.
However, I just did next preset several times in a row, and while serial monitor shows the correct font.wav should be playing, the actual PLAYED font.wav was the same file repeated. Here’s a video to clarify.
I can’t read anything on the screen in that video.
Maybe once google photos have finished processing.
I suppose I technically don’t have a rule against filming your screen, but it’s not searchable and it’s hard to read, so I’m not a fan.
It just elaborates on what I wrote.
And I just confirmed that unless you wait until the wav finishes and I get Amplifier Off / Unmounting SD card, it will play the same file.
RuleOfTwo played, then I let it finish.
Then Dark saber played for the rest when I hammered n again and again quickly.
01:08:52.534 -> Saving Current Preset
01:08:52.569 -> DISPLAY: rule of
01:08:52.569 -> two
01:08:52.569 -> Scanning sound font: a_BANE/RuleOfTwo done
01:08:52.643 -> Scanning sound font: common done
01:08:52.784 -> Activating polyphonic font.
01:08:52.819 -> Activating SmoothSwing V2
01:08:52.819 -> Accent Swings Enabled.
01:08:52.819 -> Polyphonic swings: 10
01:08:52.819 -> Monophonic swings: 0
01:08:52.819 -> Accent Slashes NOT Detected:
01:08:52.819 -> unit = 0 vol = 0.50, Playing a_BANE/RuleOfTwo/font01.wav
01:08:52.819 -> channels: 1 rate: 22050 bits: 16
01:08:55.687 -> Amplifier off.
01:08:56.675 -> Unmounting SD Card.
01:08:56.895 -> Saving Current Preset
01:08:56.929 -> DISPLAY: dark
01:08:56.929 -> v3
01:08:56.929 -> Scanning sound font: a_DARKSABER/DarkV3 done
01:08:56.966 -> Scanning sound font: common done
01:08:57.143 -> Activating polyphonic font.
01:08:57.178 -> Activating SmoothSwing V2
01:08:57.178 -> Accent Swings Enabled.
01:08:57.178 -> Polyphonic swings: 16
01:08:57.178 -> Monophonic swings: 0
01:08:57.178 -> Accent Slashes NOT Detected:
01:08:57.178 -> unit = 0 vol = 0.50, Playing a_DARKSABER/DarkV3/font01.wav
01:08:57.178 -> channels: 1 rate: 44100 bits: 16
01:08:58.240 -> Saving Current Preset
01:08:58.278 -> DISPLAY: accel-in-out
01:08:58.278 -> test1
01:08:58.278 -> Scanning sound font: testfont2a done
01:08:58.420 -> Activating polyphonic font.
01:08:58.420 -> Activating SmoothSwing V2
01:08:58.420 -> Accent Swings Enabled.
01:08:58.420 -> Polyphonic swings: 1
01:08:58.420 -> Monophonic swings: 0
01:08:58.420 -> Accent Slashes Enabled.
01:08:58.420 -> Polyphonic slashes: 1
01:08:58.420 -> unit = 0 vol = 0.50, Playing testfont2a/font01.wav
01:08:58.420 -> channels: 1 rate: 44100 bits: 16
01:08:58.420 -> Audio underflows: 11
01:08:58.881 -> Saving Current Preset
01:08:58.914 -> DISPLAY: wavlen
01:08:58.914 -> test11
01:08:58.914 -> Scanning sound font: Wavlen done
01:08:58.988 -> Activating polyphonic font.
01:08:59.022 -> unit = 0 vol = 0.50, Playing Wavlen/font01.wav
01:08:59.022 -> channels: 1 rate: 44100 bits: 16
01:08:59.022 -> Audio underflows: 11
01:08:59.384 -> Saving Current Preset
01:08:59.417 -> DISPLAY: rule of
01:08:59.417 -> two
01:08:59.417 -> Scanning sound font: a_BANE/RuleOfTwo done
01:08:59.489 -> Scanning sound font: common done
01:08:59.640 -> Activating polyphonic font.
01:08:59.673 -> Activating SmoothSwing V2
01:08:59.673 -> Accent Swings Enabled.
01:08:59.673 -> Polyphonic swings: 10
01:08:59.673 -> Monophonic swings: 0
01:08:59.673 -> Accent Slashes NOT Detected:
01:08:59.673 -> unit = 0 vol = 0.50, Playing a_BANE/RuleOfTwo/font01.wav
01:08:59.707 -> channels: 1 rate: 44100 bits: 16
01:08:59.707 -> Audio underflows: 11
01:09:00.110 -> Saving Current Preset
01:09:00.144 -> DISPLAY: dark
01:09:00.144 -> v3
01:09:00.144 -> Scanning sound font: a_DARKSABER/DarkV3 done
01:09:00.178 -> Scanning sound font: common done
01:09:00.361 -> Activating polyphonic font.
01:09:00.396 -> Activating SmoothSwing V2
01:09:00.396 -> Accent Swings Enabled.
01:09:00.396 -> Polyphonic swings: 16
01:09:00.396 -> Monophonic swings: 0
01:09:00.396 -> Accent Slashes NOT Detected:
01:09:00.396 -> unit = 0 vol = 0.50, Playing a_DARKSABER/DarkV3/font01.wav
01:09:00.396 -> channels: 1 rate: 44100 bits: 16
01:09:00.396 -> Audio underflows: 11
01:09:03.627 -> Amplifier off.
01:09:04.619 -> Unmounting SD Card.
01:09:05.370 -> Battery voltage: 4.17
Should be fixed now.