The latest output. At this point it’s clear that so long as I let the saber sit long enough, this motion error will occur. I can flash the saber with a new config and just leave it on my desk overnight and 100% of the time, if I turn the saber on after that period, there will be no motion detected and no hum plays.
Oddly this time out, leaving the saber on didn’t chew up the battery and the hum.wav stopped playing when I turned the saber off, which wasn’t the behaviour the last couple times.
Battery voltage: 3.98
Cycle counting enabled, top will work next time.
Playing kestis/hum/hum01.wav
channels: 1 rate: 44100 bits: 16
unit = 1 vol = 0.50, Playing kestis/out/out05.wav
channels: 1 rate: 44100 bits: 16
humstart: 1800
unit = 3 vol = 0.00, Playing kestis/swingl/swingl02.wav
channels: 1 rate: 44100 bits: 16
unit = 2 vol = 0.00, Playing kestis/swingh/swingh02.wav
channels: 1 rate: 44100 bits: 16
Audio DMA: 1.73%
Wav reading: 5.08%
Pixel DMA: 0.44%
LOOP: 0.32%
Motion: 0.00%
Global loops / second: 1815.20
High frequency loops / second: 2435.58
blade fps: 85.73
Acceleration measurements per second: 1649.57
Hybrid Font loop: 0.05%
WS2811_Blade loop: 9.98%
ClockControl loop: 0.18%
Booster loop: 0.13%
SDCard loop: 0.10%
Amplifier loop: 0.09%
LSM6DS3H loop: 0.10%
I2CBus loop: 0.05%
Parser loop: 80.44%
pow loop: 0.15%
SaberFett263Buttons loop: 0.68%
BatteryMonitor loop: 0.26%
Fusor loop: 0.10%
DAC loop: 0.02%
AudioDynamicMixer loop: 0.05%
MonitorHelper loop: 0.05%
Playing kestis/swingl/swingl02.wav
channels: 1 rate: 44100 bits: 16
Playing kestis/swingh/swingh02.wav
channels: 1 rate: 44100 bits: 16
Battery voltage: 3.98
I2CBUS: last_request = 28142395 (now = 28142395) i2c_detected_ = 1 used = 1
current: 536879528 id= 106 next= 0
LSM6DS3H: last_event_ 43132 LINE: 194
last: 536879528 id= 106 next= 0
LSM6DS3H: last_event_ 43132 LINE: 194
Motion requested: 1 (millis() - last_motion_request=12325)
Whut? :fusordump
Accel={-0.16, -1.07, 0.87} (1.39) Gyro={27.75, -39.78, -43.02} (64.84) down={0.50, -0.25, 0.87} (1.03) mss={-6.51, -7.95, 0.08} (10.28)
ready=0 swing speed=58.60 gyro slope=61.51 last_micros_ = 44132723 now = 2383358722
acceleration extrapolator data:
START=42504297 samples=20 S(t^2)=ovf sum={2.42, -8.90, 17.97} S(.)={1504355.62, -5541100.50, 11192265.00}
start_copy=42504297 avg={0.12, -0.44, 0.90} slope={-0.00, -0.00, -0.00} avg_t=622688.06
43132141 {0.12, -0.44, 0.89}
43132747 {0.12, -0.44, 0.90}
43121222 {0.12, -0.43, 0.90}
43121829 {0.12, -0.44, 0.90}
43122435 {0.13, -0.44, 0.89}
43123042 {0.12, -0.44, 0.90}
43123648 {0.12, -0.44, 0.91}
43124255 {0.13, -0.45, 0.91}
43124862 {0.12, -0.44, 0.90}
43125468 {0.12, -0.44, 0.89}
43126075 {0.11, -0.45, 0.89}
43126682 {0.12, -0.45, 0.89}
43127292 {0.12, -0.45, 0.90}
43127895 {0.12, -0.45, 0.90}
43128502 {0.13, -0.45, 0.90}
43129108 {0.12, -0.44, 0.90}
43129715 {0.12, -0.45, 0.91}
43130321 {0.12, -0.45, 0.90}
43130928 {0.12, -0.45, 0.90}
43131534 {0.12, -0.45, 0.90}
gyro extrapolator data:
START=42504310 samples=20 S(t^2)=ovf sum={-15.26, -72.02, -34.79} S(.)={-9494560.00, -44855624.00, -21673306.00}
start_copy=42504310 avg={-0.76, -3.60, -1.74} slope={0.00, -0.00, -0.00} avg_t=622687.44
43132153 {-0.55, -3.42, -1.16}
43132760 {-0.79, -4.33, -2.44}
43121234 {-0.55, -3.23, -1.10}
43121841 {-0.92, -4.03, -2.38}
43122448 {-1.04, -3.17, -0.49}
43123054 {-0.79, -3.78, -2.56}
43123661 {-1.10, -2.93, -0.67}
43124267 {-0.79, -3.78, -2.62}
43124874 {-0.92, -2.87, -1.28}
43125481 {-0.79, -4.39, -1.59}
43126088 {-1.04, -2.93, -2.01}
43126694 {-0.73, -4.70, -0.98}
43127304 {-1.04, -2.50, -2.93}
43127907 {-0.55, -4.52, -0.67}
43128514 {-0.73, -2.38, -2.62}
43129121 {-0.55, -4.52, -1.16}
43129727 {-0.61, -2.75, -2.20}
43130334 {-0.79, -4.58, -1.89}
43130940 {-0.43, -2.87, -1.71}
43131547 {-0.55, -4.33, -2.32}
Playing kestis/swingl/swingl02.wav
channels: 1 rate: 44100 bits: 16
Playing kestis/swingh/swingh02.wav
channels: 1 rate: 44100 bits: 16
Battery voltage: 3.97
Audio DMA: 9.47%
Wav reading: 29.84%
Pixel DMA: 2.16%
LOOP: 1.43%
Motion: 0.00%
Global loops / second: 1882.54
High frequency loops / second: 2468.53
blade fps: 80.91
Acceleration measurements per second: 1649.57
Hybrid Font loop: 0.21%
WS2811_Blade loop: 48.11%
ClockControl loop: 0.79%
Booster loop: 0.58%
SDCard loop: 0.44%
Amplifier loop: 0.38%
LSM6DS3H loop: 0.44%
I2CBus loop: 0.23%
Parser loop: 0.30%
pow loop: 0.65%
SaberFett263Buttons loop: 2.83%
BatteryMonitor loop: 1.19%
Fusor loop: 0.42%
DAC loop: 0.09%
AudioDynamicMixer loop: 0.24%
MonitorHelper loop: 0.21%
I2CBUS: last_request = 28174639 (now = 28174639) i2c_detected_ = 1 used = 1
current: 536879528 id= 106 next= 0
LSM6DS3H: last_event_ 43132 LINE: 194
last: 536879528 id= 106 next= 0
LSM6DS3H: last_event_ 43132 LINE: 194
Motion requested: 1 (millis() - last_motion_request=44570)
Playing kestis/hum/hum01.wav
channels: 1 rate: 44100 bits: 16
unit = 1 vol = 0.50, Playing kestis/in/in02.wav
channels: 1 rate: 44100 bits: 16
No sounds found: pstoff
Battery voltage: 3.98
Battery voltage: 3.98