ProffieOS v6.7 is now LIVE

Hey Fernando so I did what I’ve read but still not getting any response. I added your Config_prop at the bottom above the #endif but still not getting any response. I’m aware that you’ve mentioned that they’re some other parts to my config are not add in the #Define text. Would need to add other defined capabilities in order to get the twist on and off features too work. Let me know thank you.!

Post your full config, did you confirm you’re actual uploading the config you think you are? There’s nothing complicated in the Twist On and Twist Off implementation, it’s been around since OS5 so you’re either not uploading the right config or you’re not doing the motion right.

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I’ve been using the same config files for a while each time a new OS have been around but never used the prop files before. as of confirming it, is it regarding it to saving it then uploading through Arduino or is a total different from what I’m use too which is doing what I r been sence OS3. Anyways I’ll give you my fool config file after and we’ll from there. Alright bro thanks for the reply. TTYL.!

It’s the same process but I’ve seen users go down a rabbit hole of troubleshooting only to realize the version of the config they are changing and saving isn’t actually what they are uploading. Easiest thing to do is cause an error in the config you’re editing. Just delete a character in a style and save it (keep track of what you deleted of course so you can fix it), if you try to upload and get an error message then you know you’re uploading the file you’re editing, if you don’t you’re uploading something else in which case if you upload the right config it should work.

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You mean like delete for example stab or drag etc?

No just a single character, so instead of


delete the “S” and try to upload


if you don’t get an error you’re uploading a different file than you’re editing.

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Ok.! If I get an error, will upload the OS firmware anyways or will it not?

It will not.
If you get a warning it will still upload.

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#include “proffieboard_v2_config.h”
#define NUM_BLADES 1
#define NUM_BUTTONS 2
#define VOLUME 1800
const unsigned int maxLedsPerStrip = 144;
#define CLASH_THRESHOLD_G 9.25
#define ENABLE_WS2811
#define ENABLE_SD
#define FETT263_TWIST_ON
#define FETT263_TWIST_OFF

#include “…/props/saber_fett263_buttons.h”

Preset presets[] = {
{ “bank1”, “tracks/force.wav”,

Hey Fernando.! I couldn’t do a full config copy and paste. So I just gave you what I could.! Any who this it. Let me know if im missing anything. Thanks bro.!

Side topic, with this example

*But then Schrödinger walks into the room with a box.
**Points for effective use of the Uncertainty Principle.

I think you need to re-read the Set Up instructions for my prop as well as the Defines section on this page, you’re missing the common folder set up which is required for my prop as well as several of the defines I recommend so I’m thinking you didn’t read through everything.

I also have this sample config to show how OS6 configs would typically look, of course the defines will depend on what you want to enable or disable.

You also cut the style comments out in your preset, these are needed to use the “options”. The library provides these to stay with the style code to make the options usable.

Finally, did you test to make sure this is the config you uploaded?

If you’re 100% sure you uploaded this config then we need a video of you doing the gesture to see how you’re trying to use.

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I tried the tylePtr save liked you’ve mentioned but gave me an error. But I’ll try what you’ve just gave me and re-read everything again.! Thanks for all your replies bro.!

Hey I’ve got the Battlemode_start_on working but I’ve noticed when I try to make a clash, it’ll only bring up the lockup or drag or melt etc. will Need to add let’s say the clash maximum strength define in order for the clash to work properly when using battle mode? Let me know thanks bro.!

It’s covered in the defines, just read through the documentation.

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Hey Fernando.! Sorry to keep bothering you bro.! I’m one of those people.! The commun section of the configs for OS6, Is that only if I’m using edit mode Or does it enhance other features such as Gestures, Presets etc?!

It’s spelled out on the page I linked above as

Set Up for Voice Prompts (Required)
My prop file introduces some new features that will use the voice prompt sounds. In addition to Edit Mode, these sounds are used in other menu prompts and control options so you will need to include on your SD card and add as a font search path to each of your presets in your config

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Hey Fernando.! I finally got the gestures to work.! I’ve also watch on MegTooth Sith’s videos regarding the prop file set up and delete the #endif on the config file that anyones making and get a #endif from any of the prop file text. So I did that and works beautifully. Now that’s out of the way.! So I’m aware about Battle mode and read pretty much all with in the text but still have trouble trying to trigger a clash. Any tips on getting a clash to work properly. Let me know thanks.!

Adjust BM_CLASH_DETECT and CLASH_THRESHOLD_G values, if you CLASH_THRESHOLD_G is higher then BM_CLASH_DETECT you’ll never trigger clash in Battle Mode (Battle Mode v1) if your BM_CLASH_DETECT is higher than CLASH_THRESHOLD_G then that level of xlash strength will allow a clash but anything over does lockup (Battle Mode 2.0), just try adjusting until it works to your liking, it’s completely dependent on your saber and usage.

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I’ve actually just got to work.! It needs a swing to trigger a clash. I could try adjusting the clash threshold though. Last time I had adjust the clash threshold was when I had to adjust the speaker volume. Hopefully it doesn’t do the false clash like it did from before. But I’ll try.! But I noticed when you trigger a swing and clash at the same time, it gets the clashes to work.! Thanks Fernando.!

Okay tge volume cutout happened to me today…i plugged into serial monitor while it was “muted” and volume read 2650 as i programmed it…its an 8 ohm speaker…i dont know whats causing this…