ProffieOS v6.3 BETA testing

It’s great that you are testing things out, that’s very helpful!
However, most of these defines have already been tested, so posting that you have tested them just creates work for me I’m afraid. If you’re looking for specific things to test, check the top post for things that doesn’t have a “(tested by SomePerson)” next to it, and try testing that. That would be even more helpful!

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Oh whoops, is that just set up by default now? I think I got it from one of the old alpha prop files:

" NEW! ColorWheel “Zoom”* = Hold PWR, Release to Save
*While in ColorWheel you can Hold PWR down to zoom in color for easier selection"

Awesome sounds good!

Tested out the on-the-fly stuff more and figured out the timings a bit better, change preset and change font are working great as well, copy preset is working but yeah sometimes if I screw up the timing even without edit mode it says “save” and creates a gesture file on my sd card, and even though I think I’m doing the timing right the change font sometimes triggers a copy preset.
Thanks again! It’s all super fun

Long Click is just hold for a count of 1 and release. The order also matters between Font and Preset start with the Hold Button first, then do Long Click vs trying to do both at same time. The “Save” without Edit Mode Menu is there to generate necessary .ini files to let you manually update settings via the text files on your SD. I’ll be doing documentation on manually updating after I finish the library, but it is possible to do all edits for Edit Mode manually as well :wink:.

Awesome thanks! Yeah I stayed up perhaps a bit too late last night trying to get it down, what works best for me seems to be very deliberately clicking the first button, and while holding press and hold the second button for exactly a second, then release, and only then can I release the first button, otherwise it sometimes gets them mixed up or it doesn’t trigger. But doing that seems to work pretty well to get the correct thing to trigger every time. And that’s super exciting! I’m pumped to see how it all turns out.

Thank again and happy Thanksgiving everyone!

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That is how you do it.


Todays OLED testing:
Presets with font containing no font image but DOES have idle image still not showing message. A fix attempt I made sort of works, but some image corruption and image retention from preset to preset, so not really fixed.

Then, it seemed that the ProffieOSFontImageDuration was being ignored with a font.bmp image, but results are more like it’s not ignored, but possibly calculated weird.
Tested with Slave1 font.bmp (128 × 5632, so 176 frames)
ProffieOSFontImageDuration 5000 set in config.ini = 24 seconds and 6 loops (but nice and fast!)
10000 = 45 seconds 12 loops
1000 = 5 seconds 1.2 loops

So about 5x longer than expected?

Cool, yeah from the prop file and video I was just confused I guess and pressing and holding one, pressing the other, and then releasing both at the same time, which kinda screws it up I guess. Not sure if that needs clarified or if I’m the only one that got confused by it lol

Hold means hold, you don’t release a held button until the action triggers. So Hold AUX + Long Click PWR means Hold the AUX button and do a long click on PWR. If you let go of AUX then that’s not a Hold.

Yeah I get that now, just wasn’t exactly clear to me before, if I hold aux then long click power until an action triggers then that’s how I end up with “save” and a gesture file lol. Just took a bit of experimentation before I figured out the “right” way to do it. Obviously I’m the only moron getting tripped up by the wording so nothing needs changed, it just seemed very ambiguous to me until I figured it out by experimenting and watching the videos again.

Nobody is calling anyone anything, it’s new so Practice makes perfect but I specifically added these Notes to explain already :wink:.

Awesome! I think that’ll help with any confusion that might pop up if there’s anyone else out there that tries it the way I did. And don’t worry I know no one here is calling me a moron, just some self deprecating humor lol :slight_smile: I know I’m new to the scene and still trying to learn so I’m not at the same level as a lot of you guys but I’m slowly learning

Assuming the frame rate is correct, which is questionable as well.
I’ll have to look into this.

Looking to test some transitions tonight.

Usage: TrSelect<SELECTION, TR1, TR2, ...>
// return value: TRANSITION
// transition option is picked from the specified list of
// transitions based on Int<>
// with Int<0> representing first transition

So does this work similar to Mix, where 0-32768 is divided evenly by the number of transitions in the list?
If 2 it would switch over at 16384,
If there were 4 transitions, 0-8192 returns TR1, 8193-16384 returnsTR2, etc …?

No, it works more like ColorChange<> 0 = first transition, 1 = second transition, etc.

ColorSelect, TrSelect and IntSelect are primarily intended for Edit Mode styles using IntArg, although they take functions if you wanted to use for something specific.

Regarding pairing/matching effects, what happens if we’d want to match a 3rd as in bgn/effect/end?

I did this, and the bgn and drag work, but enddrag is not matched


Thinking maybe these entries are read in pairs, and therefore repeating a line in a patched pair would maybe work, like



…but that doesn’t do it.

Out of luck?

I think all you would need is:

The “paired” property only needs to be set on the first effect in the pair.
Do you have the same number of bgndrag, drag and enddrag files?

Yes indeed. I have 4 of each bgndrag, drag, enddrag.
Only the first 2 match up.