Hi, I have a curious issue with Teensysaber V3 with Teensy 3.2 board. I wanted to update firmware to ProffieOS 7. Last time I touched firmware was ~5 years ago so previously it was ProffieOS v1 or even earlier version of Teensy Lightsaber Firmware if I remember correctly.
Anyway, the issue is that when I upload a config which uses WS2811 as a blade (either main blade strip or crystal chamber single PL9823) the project compiles and programs successfully. However the board does not boot - it is visible via Arduino IDE but there is no communication or no physical indication that it works.
However when I compile and program the board with default_v3_config.h which uses basic Cree LEDs, the board boots up correctly, reads sound files from SD card correctly and you can communicate with it via serial port. When I add PL9823 to this config the issue mentioned earlier comes back.
Anyone had similar issues? Or have any idea what to do with it?
Links to pastebin with config files and compile logs:
https://pastebin.com/37X6X8VE - config single PL9823
https://pastebin.com/yb3wJLSN - default V3 config
https://pastebin.com/0SzhxLvJ - log for single PL9823
https://pastebin.com/R3YFyNEb - log for default V3 config
These are for ProffieOS 7.10, but I have same issue with 7.14
Well that’s unfortunate.
As far as I can tell, the config file looks reasonable.
I haven’t used a TeensySaber in a while, so I’m not sure if this is just broken, or if it is something you’re doing. (If someone else has run ProffieoS 7 on a teensysaber, please chime in.)
What is extra unfortunate is that I’m currently on vacation in Sweden, and all my Teensys are at home, so I won’t be able to test any of this stuff for a while.
If you’re up for it, there are things we can try to see if we can figure this out, but it might take a fair amount of time and work.
Hey, thank you for quick answer 
Through trial and error I figured that last version of ProffieOS working with my Teensy 3.2 is ProffieOS v4.9. As I looked into changelog there were some changes regarding Teensy and WS2811
MiCOM prop file
AudioFX prop file
**basic Teensy4 support**
**Teensy audio shield support.**
#define ENABLE_I2S_OUT
**WS2811 buffering rewrite (let's proffieOS work with longer pixel strings)**
8-bit WAV fix
don't crash on unsupported sampling rates
fix length() for stereo files
memory optimizations
button fixes
updated fett263 prop file with battle mode
If I were to guess
WS2811 buffering rewrite (let's proffieOS work with longer pixel strings)
could be an issue.
However at this moment I’m playing with v4.9 and it seems fine.
The buffering rewrite is definitely the most likely candidate.
4.9 should be work well and be fairly stable as long as you don’t need any of the new stuff that’s been added since then.
Thanks for trying it out, it helps narrow down the problem considerably.
If you’re up for it, we can find a snapshot of ProffieOS from right before and after the buffering changes to see if that is actually what caused the problem.