Proffieboard V2 Board audible hum

Question, what causes a proffieboard to Hum when powered on, and is there any way to reduce or remove that hum?
The last two boards I have installed both have hums. Checked two of my older installs and not hearing anything. Thoughts?

I’m guessing the hum is coming from the speaker?
When sound isn’t playing, the amplifier and booster aren’t powered on, so there shouldn’t be any sound coming out. If there is, it would seem to be an indication of a short, or a bad component on the board.

Not from the speaker, I can stick my ear right next to the board, and can very clearly hear it there and not at the speaker.

Any thoughts on the best way to test if its the board besides trying another board? I am just shocked that its doing the same on two boards that I pulled out at the same time. Both boards are in separate installs right now and both currently hum. One louder than the other.

What kind of batteries are you using?
Does it still hum if you only power it via USB and no battery?
Can you capture the sound on video?

I am using KeepPower 15A batteries. I have tried other batteries (still hums) and these batteries in other hilts (no hum).
Hum does not appear to be present when powered via USB and no Battery.

Here is a link to the video, not sure how well the hum comes through, but I can tell its present on the video

There aren’t any parts on the board that should make a noise.
However, if I had to guess, I would think it would be the L1 coil. It has a strong, vibrating internal magnetic field, which could theoretically cause some vibrations. You could try simply putting your finger on it and see if affects the sound.

Where did you get this board?

Yep. I mean I’d call it a buzz, but I hear it. As suggested, Check L1
(on bottom, next to Q2 and U3 (labeled in pink))

Is there a motor in the crystal chamber? I think I see a slow moving part in there, motors like to buzz

Thank you all for the help and your time. The board is fine. Humming was coming from a small vibration motor, which is odd, because I have used them before and not had them buzz that loud.

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