Proffie v2 swing sounds dont work

Hi everybody. Today i recieved profiieboard and i solder it into my hilt. But swing sounds not work. Motion clash and font works. please advise me how to solve the problem

What version of ProffieOS are you using?
What does your config file look like?
What font(s) do you have on your SD card?
When you say that swing sounds don’t work, do you mean smoothswing sounds, accent swings, or pre-smoothswing swing sounds?

Hi. Thanks for reply. I install latest version of proffie os 7. Use config from offical configuration and fonts from the same page. Saber “out” works, “hum” works too. But any swing sounds doesnt work. When i hit the saber, clash sound works.

If you use the serial monitor, and type in monitor gyro, what do you see?

PS: For future reference, it’s better to just say which version you use instead of “latest os 7”, same with “official configuration”. Right now there is a chance that you and I think that “official configuration” means something different…

Sorry about that.
In arduino, i dont see any port with proffieboard so a not be able to click on serial monitor, but uploading to the saber is possible

I install proffieOS 7.14 and my config file is this:

#include “proffieboard_v2_config.h”
#define NUM_BLADES 1
#define NUM_BUTTONS 1
#define VOLUME 1000
const unsigned int maxLedsPerStrip = 144;
#define ENABLE_WS2811
#define ENABLE_SD

Preset presets = {
{ “TeensySF”, “tracks/venus.wav”,
StyleNormalPtr<CYAN, WHITE, 300, 800>(), “cyan”},
{ “SmthJedi”, “tracks/mars.wav”,
StylePtr<InOutSparkTip<EASYBLADE(BLUE, WHITE), 300, 800> >(), “blue”},
{ “SmthGrey”, “tracks/mercury.wav”,
StyleFirePtr<RED, YELLOW>(), “fire”},
{ “SmthFuzz”, “tracks/uranus.wav”,
StyleNormalPtr<RED, WHITE, 300, 800>(), “red”},
{ “RgueCmdr”, “tracks/venus.wav”,
StyleFirePtr<BLUE, CYAN>(), “blue fire”},
{ “TthCrstl”, “tracks/mars.wav”,
StylePtr<InOutHelper<EASYBLADE(OnSpark, WHITE), 300, 800> >(), “green”},
{ “TeensySF”, “tracks/mercury.wav”,
StyleNormalPtr<WHITE, RED, 300, 800, RED>(), “white”},
{ “SmthJedi”, “tracks/uranus.wav”,
StyleNormalPtr<AudioFlicker<YELLOW, WHITE>, BLUE, 300, 800>(), “yellow”},
{ “SmthGrey”, “tracks/venus.wav”,
StylePtr<InOutSparkTip<EASYBLADE(MAGENTA, WHITE), 300, 800> >(), “magenta”},
{ “SmthFuzz”, “tracks/mars.wav”,
StyleNormalPtr<Gradient<RED, BLUE>, Gradient<CYAN, YELLOW>, 300, 800>(), “gradient”},
{ “RgueCmdr”, “tracks/mercury.wav”,
StyleRainbowPtr<300, 800>(), “rainbow”},
{ “TthCrstl”, “tracks/uranus.wav”,
StyleStrobePtr<WHITE, Rainbow, 15, 300, 800>(), “strobe”},
{ “TeensySF”, “tracks/venus.wav”,
&style_pov, “POV”},
{ “SmthJedi”, “tracks/mars.wav”,
&style_charging, “Battery\nLevel”}
BladeConfig blades = {
{ 0, WS281XBladePtr<144, bladePin, Color8::GRB, PowerPINS<bladePowerPin2, bladePowerPin3> >(), CONFIGARRAY(presets) },

Button PowerButton(BUTTON_POWER, powerButtonPin, “pow”);

do you have to do BOOT+RESET to upload?

Yes i do. In device manager is “STM32 BOOTLOADER”

Well, if you can upload, then USB is working, and if USB is working, then the serial port should work. Maybe check the driver? This video shows how:

Video works, now i see port.
When i type monitor gyro i have this:

GYRO: 0.75, -0.93, 0.00
GYRO: 4.31, 0.81, 0.00
GYRO: 3.23, -4.08, 0.00
GYRO: 1.18, -1.05, 0.00
GYRO: 2.82, 1.10, 0.00
GYRO: 4.52, -0.51, 0.00
GYRO: -2.30, 0.14, 0.00
GYRO: 0.64, -1.21, 0.00
GYRO: 2.06, -1.25, 0.00
GYRO: -1.21, -0.89, 0.00
GYRO: 3.77, -4.17, 0.00
GYRO: 1.66, -0.82, 0.00
GYRO: -1.45, -4.49, 0.00
GYRO: 3.11, 0.30, 0.00
GYRO: 1.12, -0.61, 0.00
GYRO: 2.69, -1.68, 0.00
GYRO: 1.80, -0.84, 0.00
GYRO: -0.32, -1.03, 0.00
GYRO: 2.74, 5.20, 0.00
GYRO: 0.19, -3.63, 0.00
GYRO: 1.93, -0.65, 0.00
GYRO: -0.92, -3.35, 0.00
GYRO: 2.08, -0.77, 0.00
GYRO: -0.35, -3.08, 0.00
GYRO: 0.37, -1.60, 0.00
GYRO: 2.96, 1.29, 0.00
GYRO: 5.23, 0.04, 0.00
GYRO: 3.28, -0.32, 0.00
GYRO: -3.41, -0.84, 0.00
GYRO: 0.42, 4.30, 0.00
GYRO: 1.57, -3.90, 0.00
GYRO: -1.54, 2.62, 0.00
GYRO: 1.42, -1.30, 0.00
GYRO: 1.96, -2.32, 0.00
GYRO: 1.40, 0.39, 0.00
GYRO: 1.90, 2.65, 0.00
GYRO: 0.39, -2.62, 0.00
GYRO: 0.61, 0.18, 0.00
GYRO: 0.50, -3.18, 0.00
GYRO: 4.06, -1.36, 0.00
GYRO: 2.87, -2.70, 0.00
GYRO: 3.26, 1.45, 0.00
GYRO: -1.38, -0.23, 0.00
GYRO: 2.86, -0.84, 0.00

It seems like your gyro is broken, because the Z value is always zero, and that is not normal. If you have warranty on this board I suggest you use it.

Thanks for your help
Thanks very much