Proffie board shut down. Did it burn?

Hi i was just programing my saber and it suddenly wont turn on.

Might be fired?

I have a proffie v2.2 board and had managed to upload several fonts this past day.

I was uploading a red cross guard font with a duel of the fates. wav had to cancel mid upload due to a typo and once i resaved and started the upload noticed the board was no longer detected.

I unplugged it and re plugged it and no boot sound was noticeable.
unplugged it and plugged in the fresh battery and no sound or boot up.
pressed the buttons in the board and no luck.
Did i some how fried the board.

I have been loading and unloading fonts all day with no issue until now.

If so what could have been the issue? as i have no way to replace the board.
I only had the blade for a week

If you interrupt an upload and/or it fails, you leave the board in a non-functional state. This is an easy fix though, and the instructions for recovery are on this page:

You just have to startup the board in a specific way and re-upload :slight_smile:

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Dude thanks for the info!!!
Ill give it a try and see if it works.
Just a quick technical question it says boot button the board shows two boot buttons should i press both or only one?
also pach store boards dont have a restet button sotterd is there a what to “press” it?

I guess I don’t understand. There is only one BOOT button on the board. I’m also not quite sure what you mean about the Pach Store boards… perhaps there’s a misunderstanding.

Take a look at the below picture:

BOOT and RESET are labeled at the top of the image, with arrows pointing to the buttons (which have a gold-looking top to them, although on your board they might look a bit different). They’re very small, and you’ll probably want to use a fingernail, credit card, or Fredrik likes little lego bricks to press them.

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OHHHH ok ok no it was my (frankly really dumb misunderstanding) i thought it was BOOT REST as a single menaing not one button each hahahaha thanks for the clarity.

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Thanks a bunch for the support man. Seriously appreciated.

Awesome, and of course! Glad you’re back up and running.

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